- function FloatHelper() {
- }
- FloatHelper.prototype.showFloater = function (Target, Title, Action, ActionCallback, Callback, IsNeedTemplete) {
- this.hideFloater();
- var FloaterID = "Float_" + Title;
- var Floater = $("#" + FloaterID);
- if (Floater.length == 0) {
- var newFloater = $("<div>");
- newFloater.addClass("Absolute FloatDiv");
- newFloater.attr("id", FloaterID);
- Floater = newFloater;
- if (IsNeedTemplete == undefined || IsNeedTemplete == null || IsNeedTemplete) {
- var newDiv = $("<div>");
- newDiv.addClass("Template_HoverHead");
- var newSpan = $("<span>");
- newSpan.addClass("title");
- newSpan.html(Title);
- newDiv.append(newSpan);
- var newActionDiv = $("<div>");
- newActionDiv.addClass("HoverHead_Buttons Right");
- var newInput = $("<input>");
- newInput.attr({
- "type": "button",
- "value": Action
- });
- if (ActionCallback != undefined && ActionCallback != null) {
- newActionDiv.on("click", ActionCallback);
- newFloater.css("cursor", "pointer").click(ActionCallback);
- $("[data-name=" + Title + "]").css("cursor", "pointer").click(function (event) {
- event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnvalue = false;
- ActionCallback();
- });
- }
- newInput.addClass("Action");
- newActionDiv.append(newInput);
- newDiv.append(newActionDiv);
- newFloater.append(newDiv);
- }
- $(doc.body).append(newFloater);
- } else {
- Floater.show();
- }
- var top, left, TargetTop, width;
- if (Target != null) {
- width = Target.width();
- TargetTop = Target.offset().top;
- top = Math.ceil(TargetTop - Floater.height());
- left = Target.offset().left;
- Floater.css({
- "top": top + "px",
- "left": left + "px",
- "width": width + "px"
- });
- this.showOutLine(Title);
- if (Callback != undefined && Callback != null) {
- Callback();
- }
- }
- };
- FloatHelper.prototype.hideFloater = function (Callback) {
- var FloatDiv = $(".FloatDiv");
- if (FloatDiv.is(":visible")) {
- FloatDiv.remove();
- this.hideOutline();
- if (Callback != undefined && Callback != null) {
- Callback();
- }
- }
- };
- FloatHelper.prototype.resize = function (Callback) {
- var FloatDiv = $(".FloatDiv:visible");
- if (FloatDiv.length > 0) {
- var name = FloatDiv.attr("id").replace("Float_", "");
- var Target = $("[data-name = " + name + "]");
- var width, top, left;
- if (FloatDiv.is(":visible")) {
- top = Target.offset().top;
- left = Target.offset().left;
- width = Target.width();
- if (width < 180) {
- width = 180;
- }
- FloatDiv.css({
- "width": width,
- "top": top,
- "left": left
- });
- if (Callback != undefined && Callback != null) {
- Callback();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- FloatHelper.prototype.showOutLine = function (name) {
- var target = $(".FloatDiv:visible");
- var Floater;
- if (target.length > 0) {
- name = name || target.attr("id").replace("Float_", "");
- var editableDiv = $("[data-name =" + name + " ]");
- try {
- this.hideOutline();
- } catch (e) {
- }
- editableDiv.css("outline", "solid 6px #fdc666");
- Floater = $("#Float_" + name);
- var w = editableDiv.width() + 12 + Math.round(editableDiv.css("padding-left").match(/^[0-9]*/g)[0]) + Math.round(editableDiv.css("padding-right").match(/^[0-9]*/g)[0]);
- if (w <= 180) {
- w = 180;
- editableDiv.css("width", w - 12);
- editableDiv.find("ul").addClass("Right Less180");
- } else {
- editableDiv.find("ul.Right.Less180").removeClass("Right");
- }
- Floater.css({
- "width": w,
- "left": editableDiv.offset().left - 6,
- "top": Math.ceil(editableDiv.offset().top - Floater.height())
- });
- if (name == "Background") {
- Floater.css("top", editableDiv.offset().top);
- }
- }
- };
- FloatHelper.prototype.hideOutline = function () {
- _.each($("[data-editable = True]"), function (item) {
- if (item) {
- $(item).css("outline", "none");
- }
- });
- };
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