原文链接:http://codingstandards.iteye.com/blog/836625   (转载请注明出处)




格式:exit n

退出。设置退出码为n。(Cause the shell to exit with a status of n.)


退出。退出码不变,即为最后一个命令的退出码。(If n is omitted, the exit status is that of the  last  command executed. )



格式:trap "commands" EXIT

退出时执行commands指定的命令。( A trap on EXIT is executed before the shell terminates.)

退出码(exit status,或exit code)的约定:

0表示成功(Zero - Success)

非0表示失败(Non-Zero  - Failure)

2表示用法不当(Incorrect Usage)

127表示命令没有找到(Command Not Found)

126表示不是可执行的(Not an executable)

>=128 信号产生

man 3 exit 写道
The C standard specifies two constants, EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, that may be passed to exit() to indicate        successful or unsuccessful termination, respectively.


  1. #define EXIT_FAILURE    1       /* Failing exit status.  */
  2. #define EXIT_SUCCESS    0       /* Successful exit status.  */
#define EXIT_FAILURE    1       /* Failing exit status.  */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 /* Successful exit status. */


man 3 exit 写道
BSD has attempted to standardize exit codes; see the file <sysexits.h>.


  1. #define EX_OK           0       /* successful termination */
  2. #define EX__BASE        64      /* base value for error messages */
  3. #define EX_USAGE        64      /* command line usage error */
  4. #define EX_DATAERR      65      /* data format error */
  5. #define EX_NOINPUT      66      /* cannot open input */
  6. #define EX_NOUSER       67      /* addressee unknown */
  7. #define EX_NOHOST       68      /* host name unknown */
  8. #define EX_UNAVAILABLE  69      /* service unavailable */
  9. #define EX_SOFTWARE     70      /* internal software error */
  10. #define EX_OSERR        71      /* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
  11. #define EX_OSFILE       72      /* critical OS file missing */
  12. #define EX_CANTCREAT    73      /* can't create (user) output file */
  13. #define EX_IOERR        74      /* input/output error */
  14. #define EX_TEMPFAIL     75      /* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
  15. #define EX_PROTOCOL     76      /* remote error in protocol */
  16. #define EX_NOPERM       77      /* permission denied */
  17. #define EX_CONFIG       78      /* configuration error */
  18. #define EX__MAX 78      /* maximum listed value */
#define EX_OK           0       /* successful termination */

#define EX__BASE        64      /* base value for error messages */

#define EX_USAGE        64      /* command line usage error */
#define EX_DATAERR 65 /* data format error */
#define EX_NOINPUT 66 /* cannot open input */
#define EX_NOUSER 67 /* addressee unknown */
#define EX_NOHOST 68 /* host name unknown */
#define EX_UNAVAILABLE 69 /* service unavailable */
#define EX_SOFTWARE 70 /* internal software error */
#define EX_OSERR 71 /* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
#define EX_OSFILE 72 /* critical OS file missing */
#define EX_CANTCREAT 73 /* can't create (user) output file */
#define EX_IOERR 74 /* input/output error */
#define EX_TEMPFAIL 75 /* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
#define EX_PROTOCOL 76 /* remote error in protocol */
#define EX_NOPERM 77 /* permission denied */
#define EX_CONFIG 78 /* configuration error */ #define EX__MAX 78 /* maximum listed value */


示例一 退出当前shell

[root@new55 ~]# [root@new55 ~]# exit logout

示例二 在脚本中,进入脚本所在目录,否则退出

  1. cd $(dirname $0) || exit 1
cd $(dirname $0) || exit 1

示例三 在脚本中,判断参数数量,不匹配就打印使用方式,退出

  1. if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then
  2. echo "usage: $0 <area> <hours>"
  3. exit 2
  4. fi
if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 <area> <hours>"
exit 2

示例四 在脚本中,退出时删除临时文件

  1. trap "rm -f tmpfile; echo Bye." EXIT
trap "rm -f tmpfile; echo Bye." EXIT

示例五 检查上一命令的退出码

  1. ./mycommand.sh
  2. EXCODE=$?
  3. if [ "$EXCODE" == "0" ]; then
  4. echo "O.K"
  5. fi
if [ "$EXCODE" == "0" ]; then
echo "O.K"


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