
  1. cnpm install echarts --save
  2. #在vue项目目录下安装echarts




  1. import echarts from 'echarts'
  3. export const option = {
  4. // backgroundColor: 'rgba(57,64,86,0.02)',
  5. // 标题
  6. title: {
  7. text: '在线人数曲线图',
  8. x: 'center',
  9. textStyle: {
  10. fontWeight: 'normal',
  11. fontSize: 20,
  12. color: '#7a8ff3'
  13. }
  14. },
  15. // 鼠标悬浮提示框
  16. tooltip: {
  17. trigger: 'axis'
  18. },
  19. // 图示
  20. legend: {
  21. data: ['今日', '昨日', '上周'],
  22. right: '4%'
  23. },
  24. // 边框栅格
  25. grid: {
  26. top: 100,
  27. left: '2%',
  28. right: '2%',
  29. bottom: '2%',
  30. containLabel: true
  31. },
  32. // X轴
  33. xAxis: [{
  34. type: 'category',
  35. boundaryGap: false,
  36. data: ['13:00', '13:05', '13:10', '13:15', '13:20', '13:25', '13:30', '13:35', '13:40', '13:45', '13:50', '13:55']
  37. }],
  38. // Y轴
  39. yAxis: [{
  40. type: 'value',
  41. name: '人数',
  42. axisTick: {
  43. show: false
  44. },
  45. axisLabel: {
  46. margin: 10,
  47. textStyle: {
  48. fontSize: 14
  49. }
  50. }
  51. }],
  52. // 图示数据
  53. series: [{
  54. name: '今日',
  55. type: 'line',
  56. smooth: true,
  57. symbol: 'circle',
  58. symbolSize: 5,
  59. showSymbol: false,
  60. areaStyle: {
  61. normal: {
  62. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
  63. offset: 0,
  64. color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0.3)'
  65. }, {
  66. offset: 0.8,
  67. color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0)'
  68. }], false),
  69. shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
  70. shadowBlur: 10
  71. }
  72. },
  73. itemStyle: {
  74. normal: {
  75. color: 'rgb(137,189,27)',
  76. borderColor: 'rgba(137,189,2,0.27)',
  77. borderWidth: 12
  79. }
  80. },
  81. data: []
  82. }, {
  83. name: '昨日',
  84. type: 'line',
  85. smooth: true,
  86. symbol: 'circle',
  87. symbolSize: 5,
  88. showSymbol: false,
  89. lineStyle: {
  90. normal: {
  91. width: 1
  92. }
  93. },
  94. areaStyle: {
  95. normal: {
  96. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
  97. offset: 0,
  98. color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0.3)'
  99. }, {
  100. offset: 0.8,
  101. color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0)'
  102. }], false),
  103. shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
  104. shadowBlur: 10
  105. }
  106. },
  107. itemStyle: {
  108. normal: {
  109. color: 'rgb(0,136,212)',
  110. borderColor: 'rgba(0,136,212,0.2)',
  111. borderWidth: 12
  112. }
  113. },
  114. data: []
  115. }, {
  116. name: '上周',
  117. type: 'line',
  118. smooth: true,
  119. symbol: 'circle',
  120. symbolSize: 5,
  121. showSymbol: false,
  122. lineStyle: {
  123. normal: {
  124. width: 1
  125. }
  126. },
  127. areaStyle: {
  128. normal: {
  129. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
  130. offset: 0,
  131. color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0.3)'
  132. }, {
  133. offset: 0.8,
  134. color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0)'
  135. }], false),
  136. shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
  137. shadowBlur: 10
  138. }
  139. },
  140. itemStyle: {
  141. normal: {
  142. color: 'rgb(219,50,51)',
  143. borderColor: 'rgba(219,50,51,0.2)',
  144. borderWidth: 12
  145. }
  146. },
  147. data: []
  148. }]
  149. }


  1. <template>
  2. <div class="chart-container">
  3. <!--创建一个echarts的容器,给定高宽-->
  4. <div id="gamechart" style="width:100%; height:100%"/>
  5. </div>
  6. </template>
  8. <script>
  9. // 安装echarts后,直接引入
  10. import echarts from 'echarts'
  11. import { option } from './linechart'
  13. export default {
  14. data() {
  15. return {
  16. chart: {},
  17. option: option
  18. }
  19. },
  20. created() {
  21. this.fetchData()
  22. },
  23. // 挂载图表函数
  24. mounted() {
  25. this.initChart()
  26. },
  27. methods: {
  28. fetchData() {
  29. this.chart = {
  30. today: [220, 182, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122],
  31. lastday: [120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122, 220, 182, 191, 134, 150],
  32. lastweek: [220, 182, 125, 145, 122, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 165, 122]
  33. }
  34. this.option.series[0].data = this.chart.today
  35. this.option.series[1].data = this.chart.lastday
  36. this.option.series[2].data = this.chart.lastweek
  37. },
  38. initChart() {
  39. // 将chart初始化的实例绑定到一个DOM
  40. this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('gamechart'))
  41. this.chart.setOption(this.option)
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }
  45. </script>
  47. <style scoped>
  48. .chart-container{
  49. position: relative;
  50. width: 100%;
  51. height: calc(100vh - 84px);
  52. }
  53. </style>



  • echarts的时间戳格式是13位,精确到毫秒
  • 后台给出的时间戳是变化的,所以在图表上,会展示最新时间的数据

  1. [[[1557309121000,5901],[1557309241000,5962],[1557309361000,5992],[1557309480000,5983],[1557309600000,5949],[1557309720000,6047]]
  2. #这是后台给出的api数据
  3. #echarts可以从后台获取包含时间戳和数据的二维数组


  1. methods: {
  2. fetchData() {
  3. getGameChart(this.gameid).then(response => {
  4. this.option.series[0].data = response.today
  5. this.option.series[1].data = response.lastday
  6. this.option.series[2].data = response.lastweek
  7. this.chart.setOption(this.option)
  8. this.chart.hideLoading()
  9. }).catch(error => {
  10. this.$message.error('图表请求数据失败啦!')
  11. console.log(error)
  12. })
  13. },
  14. initChart() {
  15. // 将chart初始化的实例绑定到一个DOM
  16. this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('gamechart'))
  17. this.chart.showLoading({
  18. text: '正在努力的读取数据中...'
  19. })
  20. }
  21. }
  22. #在vue中请求后台api,然后将返回的数据赋值给this.option.series的几个数组



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