Here is a video about unity depth shader workarounds:

also his tutorial 6.2 and 6.3 are all about depth...

and this unity resource:

Here is a Ton of info about it with 3 solutions:

I have ended with a custom-non-optimal-solution that at least works for me. I add a"ZFighter" component to any GameObject which I want to get a little bit distanced from a back object/wall. This separation is calculated according to Camera distance.

  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections;
  3. public class ZFighter : MonoBehaviour {
  4. // Use this for initialization
  5. private Vector3 lastLocalPosition;
  6. private Vector3 lastCamPos;
  7. private Vector3 lastPos;
  8. void Start () {
  9. lastLocalPosition = transform.localPosition;
  10. lastPos = transform.position;
  11. lastCamPos = Camera.main.transform.position - Vector3.up; // just to force update on first frame
  12. }
  13. void Update () {
  14. Vector3 camPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
  15. if (camPos != lastCamPos || transform.position != lastPos) {
  16. lastCamPos = camPos;
  17. transform.localPosition = lastLocalPosition + (camPos - transform.position) * 0.01f;
  18. lastPos = transform.position;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }

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