require "helper"
require "testResource" require "ActionsTest.ActionsTest"
require "TransitionsTest.TransitionsTest"
require "ActionsProgressTest.ActionsProgressTest"
require "EffectsTest.EffectsTest"
require "ClickAndMoveTest.ClickAndMoveTest"
require "RotateWorldTest.RotateWorldTest"
require "ParticleTest.ParticleTest"
require "ActionsEaseTest.ActionsEaseTest"
require "MotionStreakTest.MotionStreakTest"
require "DrawPrimitivesTest.DrawPrimitivesTest"
require "NodeTest.NodeTest"
require "TouchesTest.TouchesTest"
require "SpriteTest.SpriteTest"
require "LayerTest.LayerTest"
require "PerformanceTest.PerformanceTest"
require "LabelTest.LabelTest"
require "ParallaxTest.ParallaxTest"
require "TileMapTest.TileMapTest"
require "ActionManagerTest.ActionManagerTest"
require "MenuTest.MenuTest"
require "IntervalTest.IntervalTest"
require "SceneTest.SceneTest"
require "Texture2dTest.Texture2dTest"
require "RenderTextureTest.RenderTextureTest"
require "ZwoptexTest.ZwoptexTest"
require "FontTest.FontTest"
require "CocosDenshionTest.CocosDenshionTest"
require "EffectsAdvancedTest.EffectsAdvancedTest"
require "UserDefaultTest.UserDefaultTest"
require "CurrentLanguageTest.CurrentLanguageTest"
require "BugsTest.BugsTest"
require "ExtensionTest.ExtensionTest"
require "AccelerometerTest.AccelerometerTest"
require "KeypadTest.KeypadTest" local LINE_SPACE = --总共有40个test场景 local CurPos = {x = , y = }--创建一个点初始位置为0点。全局的。
local BeginPos = {x = , y = } local _allTests = {
{ isSupported = true, name = "ActionsTest" , create_func = ActionsTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "TransitionsTest" , create_func = TransitionsTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ActionsProgressTest" , create_func = ProgressActionsTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "EffectsTest" , create_func = EffectsTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ClickAndMoveTest" , create_func = ClickAndMoveTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "RotateWorldTest" , create_func = RotateWorldTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ParticleTest" , create_func = ParticleTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ActionsEaseTest" , create_func = EaseActionsTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "MotionStreakTest" , create_func = MotionStreakTest },
{ isSupported = false, name = "DrawPrimitivesTest" , create_func= DrawPrimitivesTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "NodeTest" , create_func = CocosNodeTest },
{ isSupported = true, name = "TouchesTest" , create_func = TouchesTest },
--Many tests in MenuTest will crash, so disable it. Should enable it after all crashes are resolved.
{ isSupported = true, name = "MenuTest" , create_func = MenuTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ActionManagerTest" , create_func = ActionManagerTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "LayerTest" , create_func = LayerTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "SceneTest" , create_func = SceneTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ParallaxTest" , create_func = ParallaxTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "TileMapTest" , create_func = TileMapTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "IntervalTest" , create_func = IntervalTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "ChipmunkAccelTouchTest" , create_func= ChipmunkAccelTouchTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "LabelTest" , create_func = LabelTest },
{ isSupported = false, name = "TextInputTest" , create_func= TextInputTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "SpriteTest" , create_func = SpriteTest },
{ isSupported = false, name = "SchdulerTest" , create_func= SchdulerTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "RenderTextureTest" , create_func = RenderTextureTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "Texture2DTest" , create_func = Texture2dTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "Box2dTest" , create_func= Box2dTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "Box2dTestBed" , create_func= Box2dTestBedMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "EffectAdvancedTest" , create_func = EffectAdvancedTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "Accelerometer" , create_func= AccelerometerMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "KeypadTest" , create_func= KeypadTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "CocosDenshionTest" , create_func = CocosDenshionTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "PerformanceTest" , create_func= PerformanceTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ZwoptexTest" , create_func = ZwoptexTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "CurlTest" , create_func= CurlTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "UserDefaultTest" , create_func= UserDefaultTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "BugsTest" , create_func= BugsTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "FontTest" , create_func = FontTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "CurrentLanguageTest" , create_func= CurrentLanguageTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "TextureCacheTest" , create_func= TextureCacheTestMain },
{ isSupported = true, name = "ExtensionsTest" , create_func= ExtensionsTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "ShaderTest" , create_func= ShaderTestMain },
{ isSupported = false, name = "MutiTouchTest" , create_func= MutiTouchTestMain }
} local TESTS_COUNT = table.getn(_allTests) -- create scene
local function CreateTestScene(nIdx)
local scene = _allTests[nIdx].create_func()
return scene
-- create menu
function CreateTestMenu()
local menuLayer = CCLayer:create() local function closeCallback()
end local function menuCallback(tag)
local Idx = tag -
local testScene = CreateTestScene(Idx)
if testScene then
end -- add close menu
local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
local CloseItem = CCMenuItemImage:create(s_pPathClose, s_pPathClose)
CloseItem:setPosition(ccp(s.width - , s.height - ))--放在右上角 local CloseMenu = CCMenu:create()
CloseMenu:setPosition(, )
menuLayer:addChild(CloseMenu) -- add menu items for tests
local MainMenu = CCMenu:create()
local index =
local obj = nil
for index, obj in pairs(_allTests) do
local testLabel = CCLabelTTF:create(, "Arial", )
local testMenuItem = CCMenuItemLabel:create(testLabel)
if not obj.isSupported then
testMenuItem:setPosition(ccp(s.width / , (s.height - (index) * LINE_SPACE)))
MainMenu:addChild(testMenuItem, index + , index + )
end --设置滚动区域的大小(高度已超出屏幕)
MainMenu:setContentSize(CCSizeMake(s.width, (TESTS_COUNT + ) * (LINE_SPACE)))
MainMenu:setPosition(CurPos.x, CurPos.y)
menuLayer:addChild(MainMenu) -- handling touch events
local function onTouchBegan(x, y)
BeginPos = {x = x, y = y}
-- CCTOUCHBEGAN event must return true
return true
end local function onTouchMoved(x, y)
local nMoveY = y - BeginPos.y
local curPosx, curPosy = MainMenu:getPosition()
local nextPosy = curPosy + nMoveY
local winSize = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
if nextPosy < then
MainMenu:setPosition(, )
end --有可能滑动的距离过大,就直接把mainMenu的位置设为滚动到末尾了
if nextPosy > ((TESTS_COUNT + ) * LINE_SPACE - winSize.height) then
MainMenu:setPosition(, ((TESTS_COUNT + ) * LINE_SPACE - winSize.height))
end MainMenu:setPosition(curPosx, nextPosy)
BeginPos = {x = x, y = y}
CurPos = {x = curPosx, y = nextPosy}
end local function onTouch(eventType, x, y)
if eventType == "began" then
return onTouchBegan(x, y)
elseif eventType == "moved" then
return onTouchMoved(x, y)
end menuLayer:setTouchEnabled(true)
menuLayer:addTouchEventListener(onTouch) return menuLayer


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