对于一直使用sourceinsight编辑C/C++代码的工程师们,sourceinsight是一个非常好用的编辑工具可以任意定位,跳转,回退,本人一直使用该工具做C/C++开发,sourceinsight能够满足我的大部分需求,但是有些功能没有总觉得是一个缺憾。源码链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DpGV75XeSpQrP1BlFbYHHg 密码:bqq6

<1>.在SourceInsight里使用"#if 0 #endif"注释,可用下面的方法添加宏插件。

  • 在C:\Users\计算机名\Documents\Source Insight\Projects\Base中有个utils.em文件.打开编辑(注:最好预先备份utils.em)
  • 在文档的最后添加以下代码.
 macro Custom_AddMacroComment()//Alt+1
{ //add #if 0 #endif
hbuf=GetCurrentBuf() if (LnFirst == )
szIfStart = ""
szIfStart = GetBufLine(hbuf, LnFirst-)
} szIfEnd = GetBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+) if (szIfStart == "#if 0" && szIfEnd =="#endif")
DelBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+)
DelBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst-)
sel.lnFirst = sel.lnFirst –
sel.lnLast = sel.lnLast –
InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "#if 0")
InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast+, "#endif")
sel.lnFirst = sel.lnFirst +
sel.lnLast = sel.lnLast +
SetWndSel( hwnd, sel )
  • 打开任意一个SI工程,点击Project->Open Project->Base,以此打开Base工程(此工程是SI的默认基础工程,如果不打开Base工程,在后面的操作中将不会显示所添加的宏),然后关闭此工程.
  • 再打开任意一个SI工程,点击Options->Key Assignments,然后查找Custom_AddMacroComment

  • 点击Assign New Key,此时输入键盘上想设置的快捷键(觉得Alt+X比较顺手).点击OK.


 macro Custom_MultiLineComment()//Alt+2
{ //comment multiple lines
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
selection = GetWndSel(hwnd)
LnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd)
LnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd)
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf() if(GetBufLine(hbuf, ) == "//magic-number:tph85666031")
} Ln = Lnfirst
buf = GetBufLine(hbuf, Ln)
len = strlen(buf) while(Ln <= Lnlast)
buf = GetBufLine(hbuf, Ln)
if(buf == "")
Ln = Ln +
} if(StrMid(buf, , ) == "/")
if(StrMid(buf, , ) == "/")
PutBufLine(hbuf, Ln, StrMid(buf, , Strlen(buf)))
} if(StrMid(buf,,) != "/")
PutBufLine(hbuf, Ln, Cat("//", buf))
Ln = Ln +
} SetWndSel(hwnd, selection)


 macro Custom_RemoveMultiLineComment()//Alt+3
{ //Uncomment multiple lines
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
selection = GetWndSel( hwnd )
lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst( hwnd )
lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast( hwnd ) hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
ln = lnFirst
while( ln <= lnLast )
buf = GetBufLine( hbuf, ln )
len = strlen( buf )
if( len >= )
start = while( strmid( buf, start, start + ) == CharFromAscii() || strmid( buf, start, start + ) == CharFromAscii() )
start = start +
if( start >= len )
if( start < len - )
if( strmid( buf, start, start + ) == "//" )
buf2 = cat( strmid( buf, , start ), strmid( buf, start + , len ) )
PutBufLine( hbuf, ln, buf2 )
ln = ln +
SetWndSel( hwnd, selection )



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