





Golang Version: 1.8



Protocol buffers是一个灵活的、高效的、自动化的用于对结构化数据进行序列化的协议。Protocol buffers序列化后的码流更小、速度更快、操作更简单。只需要将序列化的数据结构(.proto文件),便可以生成的源代码。

protobuf 3.0语法介绍

protobuf 语法

protobuf 安装

安装protobuf 3.4.0

protobuf download

make install
protoc —version


export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
go get -u google.golang.org/grpc
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go



syntax = "proto3";

package bc;

message Hash {
fixed64 v0 = 1;
fixed64 v1 = 2;
fixed64 v2 = 3;
fixed64 v3 = 4;
} message Program {
uint64 vm_version = 1;
bytes code = 2;
} // This message type duplicates Hash, above. One alternative is to
// embed a Hash inside an AssetID. But it's useful for AssetID to be
// plain old data (without pointers). Another alternative is use Hash
// in any protobuf types where an AssetID is called for, but it's
// preferable to have type safety.
message AssetID {
fixed64 v0 = 1;
fixed64 v1 = 2;
fixed64 v2 = 3;
fixed64 v3 = 4;
} message AssetAmount {
AssetID asset_id = 1;
uint64 amount = 2;
} message AssetDefinition {
Program issuance_program = 1;
Hash data = 2;
} message ValueSource {
Hash ref = 1;
AssetAmount value = 2;
uint64 position = 3;
} message ValueDestination {
Hash ref = 1;
AssetAmount value = 2;
uint64 position = 3;
} message BlockHeader {
uint64 version = 1;
uint64 height = 2;
Hash previous_block_id = 3;
uint64 timestamp = 4;
Hash transactions_root = 5;
Hash transaction_status_hash = 6;
uint64 nonce = 7;
uint64 bits = 8;
TransactionStatus transaction_status = 9;
} message TxHeader {
uint64 version = 1;
uint64 serialized_size = 2;
uint64 time_range = 3;
repeated Hash result_ids = 4;
} message TxVerifyResult {
bool status_fail = 1;
} message TransactionStatus {
uint64 version = 1;
repeated TxVerifyResult verify_status = 2;
} message Mux {
repeated ValueSource sources = 1; // issuances, spends, and muxes
Program program = 2;
repeated ValueDestination witness_destinations = 3; // outputs, retirements, and muxes
repeated bytes witness_arguments = 4;
} message Coinbase {
ValueDestination witness_destination = 1;
bytes arbitrary = 2;
} message Output {
ValueSource source = 1;
Program control_program = 2;
uint64 ordinal = 3;
} message Retirement {
ValueSource source = 1;
uint64 ordinal = 2;
} message Issuance {
Hash nonce_hash = 1;
AssetAmount value = 2;
ValueDestination witness_destination = 3;
AssetDefinition witness_asset_definition = 4;
repeated bytes witness_arguments = 5;
uint64 ordinal = 6;
} message Spend {
Hash spent_output_id = 1;
ValueDestination witness_destination = 2;
repeated bytes witness_arguments = 3;
uint64 ordinal = 4;


protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
-I${GOPATH}/src \
--go_out=plugins=grpc:. \



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