【做题】CF239E. k-d-sequence——线段树
首先,容易得到判断一个子串为“good k-d sequence”的方法:
- 子串中没有重复元素,且所有元素模d相等。
- 记mx为除以d的最大值,mn为除以d的最小值,则\(mx-mn<=r-l+k\)。
- 为避免出现重复元素,线段树上二分时有限制。
- 特判\(d=0\)的情况。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int BAS = 1e9, N = 200010;
struct node {
int mn,tag;
inline void operator += (int x) {
mn += x;
tag += x;
inline void reset() {
mn = tag = 0;
} t[N << 2];
void push_down(int x) {
t[x<<1] += t[x].tag;
t[x<<1|1] += t[x].tag;
t[x].tag = 0;
void push_up(int x) {
if (t[x].tag) push_down(x);
t[x].mn = min(t[x<<1].mn,t[x<<1|1].mn);
void modify(int x,int l,int r,int v,int lp,int rp) {
if (lp > r || rp < l) return;
if (lp >= l && rp <= r)
return (void)(t[x] += v);
int mid = (lp + rp) >> 1;
int dfs(int x,int lim,int v,int lp,int rp) {
if (t[x].mn > v) return -1;
if (lp == rp) return lp;
int mid = (lp + rp) >> 1;
if (t[x<<1|1].mn <= v && mid + 1 <= lim) {
int res = dfs(x<<1|1,lim,v,mid+1,rp);
if (~res) return res;
return dfs(x<<1,lim,v,lp,mid);
int n,k,d,arr[N],len;
map<int,int> mp;
int tmp[N];
struct data_sta {
int l,r,val;
inline bool operator < (const data_sta& x) const {
return val < x.val;
} st[2][N];
int top[2];
struct data_ans {
int l,r;
inline bool operator < (const data_ans& x) const {
return r - l + 1 != x.r - x.l + 1 ? \
r - l + 1 > x.r - x.l + 1 : l < x.l;
data_ans solve() {
data_sta tp;
data_ans res = (data_ans) {len,-1};
int cur = len, rec;
top[0] = top[1] = 0;
for (int i = len ; i >= 1 ; -- i) {
if (mp[tmp[i]]) cur = min(cur,mp[tmp[i]] - 1);
mp[tmp[i]] = i;
tp = (data_sta) {i,i,tmp[i]};
while (top[0] && st[0][top[0]].val < tp.val) {
tp.r = st[0][top[0]--].r;
st[0][++top[0]] = tp;
tp = (data_sta) {i,i,tmp[i]};
while (top[1] && st[1][top[1]].val > tp.val) {
tp.r = st[1][top[1]--].r;
st[1][++top[1]] = tp;
rec = dfs(1,cur,k - i,1,len);
if (~rec) res = min(res,(data_ans) {i,rec});
for (int i = 1 ; i <= (len << 2) ; ++ i)
return res;
int special_solve() {
int res = 0, p = -1;
for (int i = 1, j; i <= n ; i += j) {
j = 1;
while (arr[i+j] == arr[i] && i + j <= n) ++ j;
if (res < j) res = j, p = i;
printf("%d %d\n",p,p + res - 1);
return 0;
int main() {
for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i)
scanf("%d",&arr[i]), arr[i] += BAS ;
if (d == 0) return special_solve();
data_ans res = (data_ans) {1,1}, tp;
for (int i = 1, j ; i <= n ; i += j) {
j = 1;
while (arr[i+j] % d == arr[i] % d && i + j <= n)
++ j;
len = j;
for (int s = 0 ; s < j ; ++ s)
tmp[s+1] = arr[i+s] / d;
tp = solve();
tp.l += i-1, tp.r += i-1;
res = min(res,tp);
printf("%d %d\n",res.l,res.r);
return 0;
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