HDU 1859
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std; typedef struct point
int x;
int y;
}PointType; int main()
vector<PointType> vecPoint; //存取全部输入用例
vector<int> vec_x, vec_y;
PointType Point;
while() //读取测试用例
scanf("%d %d",&Point.x, &Point.y);
if(Point.x == && Point.y == && vecPoint.size() > ) //如果输入点为(0,0) 样例输入结束
//其实就是查找最小的(Xmin,Ymin) (Xmax,Ymax)
for( size_t it = ; it != vecPoint.size(); ++it)
//对vec_x vec_y进行排序
sort(vec_x.begin(), vec_x.end());
sort(vec_y.begin(), vec_y.end());
cout << vec_x[] <<" "<< vec_y[] <<" "<<vec_x[vec_x.size() - ] << " " << vec_y[vec_y.size() - ] << endl;
else if( Point.x == && Point.y == && vecPoint.size() == ) //存取测试用例
else if(Point.x != || Point.y != )
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