

一番百度,github之后,并没有找到自己想要的答案,github上说可以配置afn_insert_dimensions,afn_insert_width_first。参考github github



1. 首选项>浏览插件目录,在该目录新建文件夹"AutoFileName"(与插件文件一致),

2. 选择当前目录上一级(Sublime Text 3)>Installed Packages找到"AutoFileName.sublime-package",复制一份该文件到任意目录,修改文件后缀为.zip,用软件解压。




 import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os
from .getimageinfo import getImageInfo class AfnShowFilenames(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
FileNameComplete.is_active = True
{'disable_auto_insert': True,
'next_completion_if_showing': False}) class AfnSettingsPanel(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
use_pr = '✗ Stop using project root' if self.get_setting('afn_use_project_root') else '✓ Use Project Root'
use_dim = '✗ Disable HTML Image Dimension insertion' if self.get_setting('afn_insert_dimensions') else '✓ Auto-insert Image Dimensions in HTML'
p_root = self.get_setting('afn_proj_root') menu = [
[use_pr, p_root],
[use_dim, '<img src="_path_" width = "x" height = "y" >']
self.window.show_quick_panel(menu, self.on_done) def on_done(self, value):
settings = sublime.load_settings('autofilename.sublime-settings')
if value == 0:
use_pr = settings.get('afn_use_project_root')
settings.set('afn_use_project_root', not use_pr)
if value == 1:
use_dim = settings.get('afn_use_project_root')
settings.set('afn_use_project_root', not use_dim) def get_setting(self,string,view=None):
if view and view.settings().get(string):
return view.settings().get(string)
return sublime.load_settings('autofilename.sublime-settings').get(string) # Used to remove the / or \ when autocompleting a Windows drive (eg. /C:/path)
class AfnDeletePrefixedSlash(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
sel = self.view.sel()[0].a
reg = sublime.Region(sel-4,sel-3)
self.view.erase(edit, reg) # inserts width and height dimensions into img tags. HTML only
class InsertDimensionsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
this_dir = '' def insert_dimension(self,edit,dim,name,tag_scope):
view = self.view
sel = view.sel()[0].a if name in view.substr(tag_scope):
reg = view.find('(?<='+name+'\=)\s*\"\d{1,5}', tag_scope.a)
view.replace(edit, reg, '"'+str(dim))
dimension = str(dim)
view.insert(edit, sel+1, ' '+name+'="'+dimension+'"') def get_setting(self,string,view=None):
if view and view.settings().get(string):
return view.settings().get(string)
return sublime.load_settings('autofilename.sublime-settings').get(string) def insert_dimensions(self, edit, scope, w, h):
view = self.view if self.get_setting('afn_insert_width_first',view):
self.insert_dimension(edit,h,'height', scope)
self.insert_dimension(edit,w,'width', scope)
self.insert_dimension(edit,w,'width', scope)
self.insert_dimension(edit,h,'height', scope) # determines if there is a template tag in a given region. supports HTML and template languages.
def img_tag_in_region(self, region):
view = self.view # handle template languages but template languages like slim may also contain HTML so
# we do a check for that as well
return view.substr(region).strip().startswith('img') | ('<img' in view.substr(region)) def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
sel = view.sel()[0].a if not 'html' in view.scope_name(sel): return
scope = view.extract_scope(sel-1) # if using a template language, the scope is set to the current line
tag_scope = view.line(sel) if self.get_setting('afn_template_languages',view) else view.extract_scope(scope.a-1) path = view.substr(scope)
if path.startswith(("'","\"","(")):
path = path[1:-1] path = path[path.rfind(FileNameComplete.sep):] if FileNameComplete.sep in path else path
full_path = self.this_dir + path if self.img_tag_in_region(tag_scope) and path.endswith(('.png','.jpg','.jpeg','.gif')):
with open(full_path,'rb') as r:
read_data = r.read() if path.endswith(('.jpg','.jpeg')) else r.read(24)
w, h = getImageInfo(read_data) self.insert_dimensions(edit, tag_scope) # When backspacing through a path, selects the previous path component
class ReloadAutoCompleteCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self,edit):
view = self.view
sel = view.sel()[0].a scope = view.extract_scope(sel-1)
scope_text = view.substr(scope)
slash_pos = scope_text[:sel - scope.a].rfind(FileNameComplete.sep)
slash_pos += 1 if slash_pos < 0 else 0 region = sublime.Region(scope.a+slash_pos+1,sel)
view.sel().add(region) class FileNameComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_activated(self,view):
self.showing_win_drives = False
FileNameComplete.is_active = False
FileNameComplete.sep = '/' def get_drives(self):
# Search through valid drive names and see if they exist. (stolen from Facelessuser)
return [[d+":"+FileNameComplete.sep, d+":"+FileNameComplete.sep] for d in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" if os.path.exists(d + ":")] def on_query_context(self, view, key, operator, operand, match_all):
if key == "afn_insert_dimensions":
return self.get_setting('afn_insert_dimensions',view) == operand
if key == "afn_deleting_slash": # for reloading autocomplete
sel = view.sel()[0]
valid = self.at_path_end(view) and sel.empty() and view.substr(sel.a-1) == FileNameComplete.sep
return valid == operand
if key == "afn_use_keybinding":
return self.get_setting('afn_use_keybinding',view) == operand def at_path_end(self,view):
sel = view.sel()[0]
name = view.scope_name(sel.a)
if sel.empty() and 'string.end' in name:
return True
if '.css' in name and view.substr(sel.a) == ')':
return True
return False def on_modified(self, view):
sel = view.sel()[0].a
txt = view.substr(sublime.Region(sel-4,sel-3))
if (self.showing_win_drives and txt == FileNameComplete.sep):
self.showing_win_drives = False
view.run_command('afn_delete_prefixed_slash') def on_selection_modified_async(self,view):
if not view.window():
sel = view.sel()[0]
if sel.empty() and self.at_path_end(view):
scope_contents = view.substr(view.extract_scope(sel.a-1))
p = scope_contents.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')[0]
if('\\' in p and not '/' in p):
FileNameComplete.sep = '\\'
FileNameComplete.sep = '/'
if view.substr(sel.a-1) == FileNameComplete.sep or len(view.extract_scope(sel.a)) < 3:
{'disable_auto_insert': True,
'next_completion_if_showing': False})
FileNameComplete.is_active = False def fix_dir(self,sdir,fn):
if fn.endswith(('.png','.jpg','.jpeg','.gif')):
path = os.path.join(sdir, fn)
with open(path,'rb') as r:
read_data = r.read() if path.endswith(('.jpg','.jpeg')) else r.read(24)
w, h = getImageInfo(read_data)
return fn+'\t'+'w:'+ str(w) +" h:" + str(h)
return fn def get_cur_path(self,view,sel):
scope_contents = view.substr(view.extract_scope(sel-1)).strip()
cur_path = scope_contents.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')[0]
if cur_path.startswith(("'","\"","(")):
cur_path = cur_path[1:-1] return cur_path[:cur_path.rfind(FileNameComplete.sep)+1] if FileNameComplete.sep in cur_path else '' def get_setting(self,string,view=None):
if view and view.settings().get(string):
return view.settings().get(string)
return sublime.load_settings('autofilename.sublime-settings').get(string) def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
is_proj_rel = self.get_setting('afn_use_project_root',view)
valid_scopes = self.get_setting('afn_valid_scopes',view)
blacklist = self.get_setting('afn_blacklist_scopes', view)
uses_keybinding = self.get_setting('afn_use_keybinding', view) sel = view.sel()[0].a
this_dir = ""
completions = [] if uses_keybinding and not FileNameComplete.is_active:
if not any(s in view.scope_name(sel) for s in valid_scopes):
if any(s in view.scope_name(sel) for s in blacklist):
return cur_path = os.path.expanduser(self.get_cur_path(view, sel)) if cur_path.startswith('/') or cur_path.startswith('\\'):
if is_proj_rel:
proot = self.get_setting('afn_proj_root', view)
if proot:
if not view.file_name() and not os.path.isabs(proot):
proot = "/"
cur_path = os.path.join(proot, cur_path[1:])
for f in sublime.active_window().folders():
if f in view.file_name():
cur_path = f
elif not view.file_name():
this_dir = os.path.split(view.file_name())[0]
this_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, cur_path) try:
if sublime.platform() == "windows" and len(view.extract_scope(sel)) < 4 and os.path.isabs(cur_path):
self.showing_win_drives = True
return self.get_drives()
self.showing_win_drives = False
dir_files = os.listdir(this_dir) for d in dir_files:
if d.startswith('.'): continue
if not '.' in d: d += FileNameComplete.sep
completions.append((self.fix_dir(this_dir,d), d))
if completions:
InsertDimensionsCommand.this_dir = this_dir
return completions
except OSError:
print("AutoFileName: could not find " + this_dir)


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