$file = 'plugin.php'; //要破解的文件 $fp = fopen($file, 'r');
$str = fread($fp, filesize($file));
fclose($fp); copy($file, '0_'.$file); $n = 1;
while($n < 10){
$code = strdecode($str);
if($n == 1){
$code = str_replace("__FILE__", "'0_$file'", $code);
} $replace = '$decode'.$n.'=trim';
if(strpos($code, 'eval(') > 0){
$code = str_replace('eval(', $replace.'(', $code);
preg_match("/@\\$(.*)\(\\$(.*),(.*)\(/isU", $code, $res);
$code = str_replace($res[3], "'$replace", $code);
} $code = preg_replace('/\\$(.*)=false;(.*?)\(\);/', '', $code); //上一版本
$code = preg_replace('/\|\|@\\$(.*?)\(\);/', '|| print("ok");', $code); $code = destr($code);
$tmp_file = 'detmp'.$n.'.php';
file_put_contents($tmp_file, $code);
include($tmp_file); $val = 'decode'.$n;
$str = $$val; unlink($tmp_file); if(strpos($str, ';?>') === 0){
$decode = $str;
} $str = "<?php\r\n". $str;
} $decode = preg_replace("/^(.*)exit\('Access Denied'\); /", "<?php\r\n", $decode);
$del = strrchr($decode, 'unset');
$decode = str_replace($del, "\r\n?>", $decode);
file_put_contents($file.'.de.php' ,$decode);
echo 'done'; ////////////
function val_replace($code, $val, $deval){
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.',', '$'.$deval.',', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.';', '$'.$deval.';', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'=', '$'.$deval.'=', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'(', '$'.$deval.'(', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.')', '$'.$deval.')', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'.', '$'.$deval.'.', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'/', '$'.$deval.'/', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'>', '$'.$deval.'>', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'<', '$'.$deval.'<', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'^', '$'.$deval.'^', $code);
$code = str_replace('$'.$val.'||', '$'.$deval.'||', $code);
$code = str_replace('($'.$val.' ', '($'.$deval.' ', $code);
return $code;
} function fmt_code($code){
global $vals,$funs;
preg_match_all("/\\$[0-9a-zA-Z\[\]']+(,|;)/iesU", $code, $res);
foreach($res[0] as $v){
$val = str_replace(array('$',',',';'), '', $v);
$deval = destr($val, 1);
$vals[$val] = $deval;
$code = val_replace($code, $val, $deval);
} preg_match_all("/\\$[0-9a-zA-Z\[\]']+=/iesU", $code, $res);
foreach($res[0] as $v){
$val = str_replace(array('$','='), '', $v);
$deval = destr($val, 1);
$vals[$val] = $deval;
$code = val_replace($code, $val, $deval);
} preg_match_all("/function\s[0-9a-zA-Z\[\]]+\(/iesU", $code, $res);
foreach($res[0] as $v){
$val = str_replace(array('function ','('), '', $v);
$deval = destr($val, 1);
$funs[$val] = $deval;
$code = str_replace('function '.$val.'(', 'function '.$deval.'(', $code);
$code = str_replace('='.$val.'(', '='.$deval.'(', $code);
$code = str_replace('return '.$val.'(', 'return '.$deval.'(', $code);
return $code;
} function strdecode($str){
$len = strlen($str);
$newstr = '';
for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
$n = ord($str[$i]);
$newstr .= decode($n);
return $newstr;
} function decode($dec){
if(($dec > 126 || $dec<32) && $dec<>13 && $dec<>10){
return '['.$dec.']';
return chr($dec);
} function destr($str, $val=0){
$k = 0;
$num = '';
$n = strlen($str);
$code = '';
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
if($str[$i] == '[' && ($str[$i+1]==1 || $str[$i+1]==2)){
$k = 1;
}elseif($str[$i] == ']' && $k==1){
$num = intval($num);
$num = 97 + fmod($num, 25);
$code .= chr($num);
$k = 0;
$num = null;
if($k == 1){
$num .= $str[$i];
$code .= $str[$i];
return $code;


//解密 PHP神盾 $file = 'Code2.php'; $fp = fopen($file, 'r');
$str = fread($fp, filesize($file));
fclose($fp); $code = strdecode($str); //for func de1
preg_match("/;(.*)\]='(.*?)';for\(/e", $code, $res);
$c1 = $res[2]; //for func de1
preg_match("/;(.*)=(.*)\('(.*)'\);(.*);(.*)$/e", $res[1], $rs);
$c2 = $rs[3]; //for func de2
preg_match("/'\(@(.*?)\(\\\'(.*?)\\\'\)\)/e", $code, $res);
$c3 = $res[2]; preg_match("/'\.(.*?)\.'/e", $c3, $r);
preg_match("/\('(.*?)','/e", $r[1], $r2);
$c4 = $r2[1];
$c4 = base64_decode(de1(destr($c4), 1));
$c3 = str_replace($r[0], $c4, $c3); $funstr = gzuncompress(base64_decode($c3)).base64_decode($c1);
preg_match("/if(.*),'(.*?)'\)\)/e", $funstr, $res);
$c5 = $res[2]; //find main code
preg_match("/'\(@(.*)\(\\\'(.*?)\\\'\.\(/e", $code, $res);
$c = $res[2];
preg_match("/'\.(.*?)\.'/e", $c, $r);
preg_match("/\('(.*?)','/e", $r[1], $r2);
$c6 = base64_decode(de1(destr($r2[1]), 1));
$c = str_replace($r[0], $c6, $c); //find $de2
preg_match("/\"\.\((.*)='(.*?)'\)\);/e", $code, $res);
$de2 = destr($res[2]);
$x = ($de2.=de2($de2));
$c .= $x;
$decode = gzuncompress(base64_decode($c)); $str = explode('<!--<?php endif;?>', $decode);
$str = explode('?><?php $GLOBALS', $str[1]);
$decode = $str[0].'?>'; echo $decode; file_put_contents($file.'.de.php' ,$decode); ////////////////////////////// function de1($de1,$str2=''){
global $c1,$c2;
} function de2(&$de2){
global $c5;
} } ///////////////////////////// function strdecode($str){
$len = strlen($str);
$newstr = '';
for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
$n = ord($str[$i]);
$newstr .= decode($n);
return $newstr;
} function decode($dec){
if(($dec > 126 || $dec<32)){
return '['.$dec.']';
return chr($dec);
} function destr($str){
$k = 0;
$num = '';
$n = strlen($str);
$code = '';
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
if($str[$i] == '['){
$k = 1;
}elseif($str[$i] == ']'){
$num = intval($num);
$code .= chr($num);
$k = 0;
$num = null;
if($k == 1){
$num .= $str[$i];
$code .= $str[$i];
return $code;



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