1.mongodb 数据导出:

connection options:
/h, /host:<hostname> mongodb host to connect to (setname/host1,host2 for replica sets)
/port:<port> server port (can also use --host hostname:port) authentication options:
/u, /username:<username> username for authentication
/p, /password:<password> password for authentication
/authenticationDatabase:<database-name> database that holds the user's credentials
/authenticationMechanism:<mechanism> authentication mechanism to use namespace options:
/d, /db:<database-name> database to use
/c, /collection:<collection-name> collection to use uri options:
/uri:mongodb-uri mongodb uri connection string output options:
/f, /fields:<field>[,<field>]* comma separated list of field names (required for exporting CSV) e.g. -f "name,age"
/fieldFile:<filename> file with field names - 1 per line
/type:<type> the output format, either json or csv (defaults to 'json') (default: json)
/o, /out:<filename> output file; if not specified, stdout is used
/jsonArray output to a JSON array rather than one object per line
/pretty output JSON formatted to be human-readable
/noHeaderLine export CSV data without a list of field names at the first line querying options:
/q, /query:<json> query filter, as a JSON string, e.g., '{x:{$gt:1}}'
/queryFile:<filename> path to a file containing a query filter (JSON)
/k, /slaveOk allow secondary reads if available (default true) (default: false)
/readPreference:<string>|<json> specify either a preference name or a preference json object
/forceTableScan force a table scan (do not use $snapshot)
/skip:<count> number of documents to skip
/limit:<count> limit the number of documents to export
/sort:<json> sort order, as a JSON string, e.g. '{x:1}'
/assertExists if specified, export fails if the collection does not exist(default: false)


connection options:
/h, /host:<hostname> mongodb host to connect to
(setname/host1,host2 for
replica sets)
/port:<port> server port (can also use
--host hostname:port)
authentication options:
/u, /username:<username> username for authentication
/p, /password:<password> password for authentication
/authenticationDatabase:<database-name> database that holds the
user's credentials
/authenticationMechanism:<mechanism> authentication mechanism to
use namespace options:
/d, /db:<database-name> database to use
/c, /collection:<collection-name> collection to use uri options:
/uri:mongodb-uri mongodb uri connection string input options:
/f, /fields:<field>[,<field>]* comma separated list of
fields, e.g. -f name,age
/fieldFile:<filename> file with field names - 1 per
/file:<filename> file to import from; if not
specified, stdin is used
/headerline use first line in input
source as the field list (CSV
and TSV only)
/jsonArray treat input source as a JSON
/parseGrace:<grace> controls behavior when type
coercion fails - one of:
autoCast, skipField, skipRow,
stop (defaults to 'stop')
(default: stop)
/type:<type> input format to import: json,
csv, or tsv (defaults to
'json') (default: json)
/columnsHaveTypes indicated that the field list
(from --fields, --fieldsFile,
or --headerline) specifies
types; They must be in the
form of
The type can be one of: auto,
binary, bool, date, date_go,
date_ms, date_oracle, double,
int32, int64, string. For
each of the date types, the
argument is a datetime layout
string. For the binary type,
the argument can be one of:
base32, base64, hex. All
other types take an empty
argument. Only valid for CSV
and TSV imports. e.g.
thumbnail.binary(base64) ingest options:
/drop drop collection before
inserting documents
/ignoreBlanks ignore fields with empty
values in CSV and TSV
/maintainInsertionOrder insert documents in the order
of their appearance in the
input source
/j, /numInsertionWorkers:<number> number of insert operations
to run concurrently (defaults
to 1) (default: 1)
/stopOnError stop importing at first
insert/upsert error
/mode:[insert|upsert|merge] insert: insert only. upsert:
insert or replace existing
documents. merge: insert or
modify existing documents.
defaults to insert
/upsertFields:<field>[,<field>]* comma-separated fields for
the query part when --mode is
set to upsert or merge
/writeConcern:<write-concern-specifier> write concern options e.g.
--writeConcern majority,
--writeConcern '{w: 3,
wtimeout: 500, fsync: true,
j: true}'
/bypassDocumentValidation bypass document validation


mongoexport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user -o user.json --type=json

mongoimport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test_bak -c user --file=dm_task.json --type=json


mongoexport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user -o user.csv --type=csv --fields="_id,username,birthday,gender,email,phone"
mongoimport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user_bak --file=user.csv --type=csv --headerline

mongoexport 在不指定输出的情况下输出到stdout,mongoimport不指定输入的情况下从stdin读入数据;所以可以配套使用而不需要本地转储;


mongoexport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user | mongoimport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test_bak -c user



mongoexport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user --skip=234567|mongoimport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test_bak -c user

TIPS:本机性能较好,较空闲的话,可以多开几个线程进行数据操作使用-j 参数;


mongoexport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test -c user --skip=234567|mongoimport.exe -h -u admin -p xxx -d test_bak -c user -j 4


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