vmware pro 14,centos 7.3
petalinux 2017.2
tar xf Python-3.4.1.tgz
cd Python-3.4.1
make install
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3
[root@localhost opt]# chown liuwanpeng:liuwanpeng -R /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ls / -lh
总用量 28K
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 12月 4 14:01 mnt
drwxr-xr-x. 4 liuwanpeng liuwanpeng 27 12月 4 14:40 opt
dr-xr-xr-x. 223 root root 0 12月 4 16:15 proc
[root@localhost opt]# su liuwanpeng
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ ./ /opt/pkg/petalinux
INFO: Checking installer checksum...
INFO: Extracting PetaLinux installer...
INFO: Installing PetaLinux...
INFO: Checking PetaLinux installer integrity...
INFO: Extracting Installation files...
PetaLinux SDK contains software from a number of sources. Please review
the following licenses and indicate your acceptance of each to continue.
You do not have to accept the licenses, however if you do not then you may
not use PetaLinux SDK.
Use PgUp/PgDn to navigate the license viewer, and press 'q' to close
Press Enter to display the license agreements
Do you accept Xilinx End User License Agreement? [y/N] > y
Do you accept Webtalk Terms and Conditions? [y/N] > y
Do you accept Third Party End User License Agreement? [y/N] > y
INFO: Checking installation environment requirements...
INFO: Checking free disk space
INFO: Checking installed tools
INFO: Checking installed development libraries
INFO: Checking network and other services
WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide" for its impact and solution
INFO: Installing PetaLinux SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/."
INFO: Installing PetaLinux zynqMP Yocto SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/./components/yocto/source/aarch64"...
PetaLinux Extensible SDK installer version 2017.2
You are about to install the SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/aarch64". Proceed[Y/n]? Y
Extracting SDK.............................................done
Setting it up...
Extracting buildtools...
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
$ . /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/aarch64/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux
INFO: PetaLinux Yocto SDK for zynqMP has been successfully installed.
INFO: Installing PetaLinux zynq Yocto SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/./components/yocto/source/arm"...
PetaLinux Extensible SDK installer version 2017.2
You are about to install the SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/arm". Proceed[Y/n]? Y
Extracting SDK.........................................done
Setting it up...
Extracting buildtools...
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
$ . /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/arm/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-xilinx-linux-gnueabi
INFO: PetaLinux Yocto SDK for zynq has been successfully installed.
INFO: Installing PetaLinux microblaze (Full) Yocto SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/./components/yocto/source/microblaze_full"...
PetaLinux Extensible SDK installer version 2017.2
You are about to install the SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/microblaze_full". Proceed[Y/n]? Y
Extracting SDK.............................done
Setting it up...
Extracting buildtools...
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
$ . /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/microblaze_full/environment-setup-microblazeel-v10.0-bs-cmp-mh-div-xilinx-linux
INFO: Installing PetaLinux microblaze (Lite) Yocto SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/./components/yocto/source/microblaze_lite"...
PetaLinux Extensible SDK installer version 2017.2
You are about to install the SDK to "/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/microblaze_lite". Proceed[Y/n]? Y
Extracting SDK.............................done
Setting it up...
Extracting buildtools...
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
$ . /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/microblaze_lite/environment-setup-microblazeel-v10.0-bs-cmp-ml-xilinx-linux
INFO: PetaLinux Yocto SDK for microblaze has been successfully installed.
INFO: PetaLinux SDK has been installed to /opt/pkg/petalinux/.
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ source /opt/pkg/petalinux/
PetaLinux environment set to '/opt/pkg/petalinux'
INFO: Checking free disk space
INFO: Checking installed tools
INFO: Checking installed development libraries
INFO: Checking network and other services
WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide" for its impact and solution
// 关闭网络交互
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ petalinux-util --webtalk off
INFO: Turn off webtalk feature!
3. 建工程
[liuwanpeng@localhost mpsoc]$ petalinux-create -t project -s ../xilinx-zcu102-v2017.2-final.bsp
INFO: Create project:
INFO: Projects:
INFO: * xilinx-zcu102-2017.2
INFO: has been successfully installed to /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/
INFO: New project successfully created in /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=hardware/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2.sdk/
INFO: Getting hardware description...
[INFO] generating Kconfig for project
[INFO] menuconfig project
/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/misc/config/Kconfig.syshw:30:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/misc/config/Kconfig:574:warning: config symbol defined without type
configuration written to /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/project-spec/configs/config
*** End of the configuration.
*** Execute 'make' to start the build or try 'make help'.
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
[INFO] generating plnxtool conf
[INFO] generating meta-plnx-generated layer
~/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/misc/plnx-generated ~/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2
[INFO] generating machine configuration
[INFO] generating bbappends for project . This may take time !
~/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/misc/plnx-generated ~/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2
[INFO] generating u-boot configuration files
[INFO] generating kernel configuration files
[INFO] generating kconfig for Rootfs
Generate rootfs kconfig
[INFO] oldconfig rootfs
[INFO] generating
-错误:install: cannot stat ‘/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/../components/plnx_workspace/pmu-firmware/Release/pmu-firmware.elf’: No such file or directory
- timeout while establishing a connection with SDK
解决:AR# 69812没用,看论坛
in fsbl and pmufw recipes add this two lines
_JAVA_OPTIONS = "-Duser.home=${TMPDIR}/xsctenv"
(1)出错了 install: cannot stat ‘/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/../components/plnx_workspace/pmu-firmware/Release/pmu-firmware.elf’: No such file or directory
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ petalinux-build
[INFO] building project
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:02
Loaded 3235 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:00:09
Parsing of 2446 .bb files complete (2407 cached, 39 parsed). 3236 targets, 224 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:01:28
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###############| Time: 0:00:13
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
fsbl-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_compile: NOTE: fsbl: compiling from external source tree /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw
pmu-firmware-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_compile: NOTE: pmu-firmware: compiling from external source tree /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw
ERROR: pmu-firmware-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_deploy: Function failed: do_deploy (log file is located at /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_deploy.94828)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_deploy.94828
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function sstate_task_prefunc
| DEBUG: Python function sstate_task_prefunc finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_deploy
| install: cannot stat ‘/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/../components/plnx_workspace/pmu-firmware/Release/pmu-firmware.elf’: No such file or directory
| ERROR: Function failed: do_deploy (log file is located at /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_deploy.94828)
ERROR: Task (/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/aarch64/layers/meta-xilinx-tools/recipes-bsp/pmu/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2399 tasks of which 1865 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
xilinx有专门的AR# 69293:跟上述问题还不是同一个
2017.1/2 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: PetaLinux fails to build PMU Firmware on CentOS 7.2/3
Search for Another Answer
The 2017.1 release of PetaLinux fails to build PMUFW on CentOS 7.2/3 with a build error as shown below:
install: cannot stat /home/wtsemb/Downloads/zcu102-centos-test/build/../components/plnx_workspace/pmu-firmware/Release/pmu-firmware.elf: No such file or directory
ERROR: Function failed: do_deploy (log file is located at /home/wtsemb/Downloads/zcu102-centos-test/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.1+gitAUTOINC+3813f14966-r0/temp/log.do_deploy.60209)
mb-gcc: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
make[1]: *** [Makefile:25: xipipsu.o] Error 127
This can be due to missing packages which are required to build the PMUFW. The work-around for this issue is to install the packages below on the Linux host.
Once you install the packages and reboot Linux host, you can source PetaLinux tools and then create a new PetaLinux and build it.
Was this Answer Record helpful?
mb-ar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(2) Checking sstate mirror object availability不动了,安装(1)的补丁之前无此问题,重启后问题消失
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ petalinux-build
[INFO] building project
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:03
Loaded 3235 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:00:08
Parsing of 2446 .bb files complete (2407 cached, 39 parsed). 3236 targets, 224 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:01:35
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 3% | | ETA: 0:04:30
Keyboard Interrupt, closing down...
(3)又来了新错误,"timeout while establishing a connection with SDK""
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ petalinux-build
[INFO] building project
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:02
Loaded 3235 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:00:07
Parsing of 2446 .bb files complete (2407 cached, 39 parsed). 3236 targets, 224 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:01:26
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###############| Time: 0:00:13
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
fsbl-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_compile: NOTE: fsbl: compiling from external source tree /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw
ERROR: pmu-firmware-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_configure: Function failed: do_configure (log file is located at /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_configure.71493)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_configure.71493
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function sysroot_cleansstate
| DEBUG: Python function sysroot_cleansstate finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_configure
| MISC_ARG is -yamlconf /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/pmu-firmware.yaml
| APP_ARG is -app "ZynqMP PMU Firmware"
| cmd is: xsct /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl -ws /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/../components/plnx_workspace -pname pmu-firmware -rp /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw -processor psu_pmu_0 -hdf /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/deploy/images/plnx_aarch64/Xilinx-plnx_aarch64.hdf -arch 32 -app "ZynqMP PMU Firmware" -yamlconf /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/pmu-firmware.yaml
| Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... Eclipse:
| An error has occurred. See the log file
| /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/components/plnx_workspace/.metadata/.log.
| XSCTHELPER INFO: Empty WorkSpace
| Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... Eclipse:
| An error has occurred. See the log file
| /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/components/plnx_workspace/.metadata/.log.
| timeout while establishing a connection with SDK
| while executing
| "error "timeout while establishing a connection with SDK""
| (procedure "getsdkchan" line 111)
| invoked from within
| "getsdkchan"
| (procedure "::sdk::set_user_repo_path_sdk" line 16)
| invoked from within
| "::sdk::set_user_repo_path_sdk $params(set)"
| (procedure "repo" line 27)
| invoked from within
| "repo -set $path"
| invoked from within
| "if { $params(ws) ne "" } {
| #Local Work Space available
| setws $params(ws)
| if { [catch {importprojects $params(ws)} result] } {
| puts "XSCTHELPER IN..."
| (file "/home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl" line 120)
| WARNING: /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/run.do_configure.71493:1 exit 1 from 'xsct /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl -ws /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/../components/plnx_workspace -pname pmu-firmware -rp /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw -processor psu_pmu_0 -hdf /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/deploy/images/plnx_aarch64/Xilinx-plnx_aarch64.hdf -arch 32 -app "ZynqMP PMU Firmware" -yamlconf /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/pmu-firmware.yaml'
| ERROR: Function failed: do_configure (log file is located at /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/tmp/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/pmu-firmware/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_configure.71493)
ERROR: Task (/opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/aarch64/layers/meta-xilinx-tools/recipes-bsp/pmu/ failed with exit code '1'
AR# 69812
2016.4-2017.2 PetaLinux: Build failed due to "error "timeout while establishing a connection with SDK"'
PetaLinux build can fail with the following timeout error in XSCT:
DEBUG: Executing python function sysroot_cleansstate
DEBUG: Python function sysroot_cleansstate finished
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_configure
MISC_ARG is -yamlconf /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/fsbl.yaml
APP_ARG is -app "Zynq MP FSBL"
cmd is: xsct /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl -ws /home/bryanloz/ZCU102_4PES/4x10GE-Switch/Petalinux/4x10GE/build/../components/plnx_workspace -pname fsbl -rp /proj/petalinux/released/Petalinux-v2017.2/petalinux-v2017.2_0619_1/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw -processor psu_cortexa53_0 -hdf /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/deploy/images/plnx_aarch64/Xilinx-plnx_aarch64.hdf -arch 64 -app "Zynq MP FSBL" -yamlconf /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/fsbl.yaml
Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... Eclipse:
An error has occurred. See the log file
Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... Eclipse:
An error has occurred. See the log file
timeout while establishing a connection with SDK
while executing
"error "timeout while establishing a connection with SDK""
(procedure "getsdkchan" line 111)
invoked from within
(procedure "::sdk::set_user_repo_path_sdk" line 16)
invoked from within
"::sdk::set_user_repo_path_sdk $params(set)"
(procedure "repo" line 27)
invoked from within
"repo -set $path"
invoked from within
"if { $params(ws) ne "" } {
Local Work Space available
setws $params(ws)
if { [catch {importprojects $params(ws)} result] } {
(file "/tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl" line 120)
WARNING: /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/run.do_configure.22432:1 exit 1 from 'eval xsct /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/app.tcl -ws /home/bryanloz/ZCU102_4PES/4x10GE-Switch/Petalinux/4x10GE/build/../components/plnx_workspace -pname fsbl -rp /proj/petalinux/released/Petalinux-v2017.2/petalinux-v2017.2_0619_1/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw -processor psu_cortexa53_0 -hdf /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/deploy/images/plnx_aarch64/Xilinx-plnx_aarch64.hdf -arch 64 ${APP_ARG} ${MISC_ARG}'
ERROR: Function failed: do_configure (log file is located at /tmp/4x10GE-2017.09.12-16.17.33/work/plnx_aarch64-xilinx-linux/fsbl/2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0/temp/log.do_configure.22432)
The following work-arounds can be used to overcome this issue
- Increase the timeout in XSCT.
Create a file with name .xsdbrc in the $HOME directory
Add the line below in the .xsdbrc file
configparams-sdk-launch-timeout 180
- Clean up using the following commands:
rm -rf ~/.Xil
rm -rf ~/.Xilinx
Note: This error could be due to a resource constraint on the PC.
The minimum configuration required for PetaLinux tool installation is 8 cores and 8GB RAM (This is not corrected in 2016.4-2017.2 (UG1144) documentation).
Ideally one project should be built at a time.
If you want to run projects in parallel, set parallel threads and configure execution in petalinux-config->Yocto Settings to lower values which match your system configuration.
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ cd ~
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ echo $HOME
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ pwd
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ touch .xsdbrc
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ gedit .xsdbrc
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ rm -rf ~/.Xil
[liuwanpeng@localhost ~]$ rm -rf ~/.Xilinx
无效,提示source xxxx/.xsdbrc error。
Xilinx 2016.4 - xsct - Timeout while building fsbl and pmu-firmware
Re: Xilinx 2016.4 - xsct - Timeout while building fsbl and pmu-firmware
10-03-2017 02:05 AM
The reason for failure is xsct uses a locking mechanism which is by default set to /home/user/
you have to change this
in fsbl and pmufw recipes add this two lines
_JAVA_OPTIONS = "-Duser.home=${TMPDIR}/xsctenv"
[liuwanpeng@localhost xilinx-zcu102-2017.2]$ petalinux-build
[INFO] building project
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:02
Loaded 3235 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:00:07
Parsing of 2446 .bb files complete (2407 cached, 39 parsed). 3236 targets, 224 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:40
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###############| Time: 0:00:17
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
fsbl-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_compile: NOTE: fsbl: compiling from external source tree /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw
pmu-firmware-2017.2+gitAUTOINC+122565ec40-r0 do_compile: NOTE: pmu-firmware: compiling from external source tree /opt/pkg/petalinux/tools/hsm/data/embeddedsw
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2445 tasks of which 1869 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
INFO: generating FIT Image
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image -R /home/liuwanpeng/mpsoc/xilinx-zcu102-2017.2/build/conf/fit-image.conf
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:04:21
Parsing of 2446 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2446 parsed). 3236 targets, 224 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:21
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###############| Time: 0:00:03
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2446 tasks of which 2419 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
INFO: Copying Images from deploy to images
INFO: Creating images/linux directory
[INFO] successfully built project
- MPSOC之2——ubuntu环境配置及petalinux安装
MPSOC的linux开发需要使用petalinux,选择Ubuntu操作系统. 1.Ubuntu 1.1. Ubuntu安装 版本16.04.03 vmare版本:12.0 安装时注意选择" ...
- win2008 r2 服务器php+mysql+sqlserver2008运行环境配置(从安装、优化、安全等)
这篇文章主要介绍了win2008 r2 服务器php+mysql+sqlserver2008运行环境配置(从安装.优化.安全等),需要的朋友可以参考下 win2008 r2 安装 http://www ...
- JDK和环境配置,eclipse安装与使用
本博客部分参照 (记住要尊重别人的劳动产品) 原博客给的链接和后面的安装过程有点不一样,不能 ...
- CentOS环境下通过YUM安装软件,搭建lnmp环境
安装nginx.php-fpm和mysql. yum install nginx yum install php-fpm yum install mysql CentOS下LNMP环境配置 1. 配置 ...
- grunt的使用方法,环境配置和插件安装
虽然现在grunt的用的越来越少了,但是插件数量还是相当多的,另外grunt和gulp的使用相当相似: grunt需要安装node和npm 验证node是否安装:node -v 验证npm是否安装:n ...
- anadonca环境配置和模块安装
1.最方便的python环境配置: 下载anaconda即可,自带spyder,集成科学计算的库,自带pip,不用折腾. 想用sublime编写python并运行的话,需要自己配置编译环境,并下载插件 ...
- ios开发环境配置及cordova安装与常用命令
一.ios开发环境配置 1.首先要有台Mac Book,如果有Mac Book,跳过步骤2.3.4,如果没有,执行步骤2.3.4: 2.下载并安装VMware Workstation,最好是下最新版本 ...
- Unity3D 发布APK安卓环境配置步骤、安装、教程(含Java/Android)(超全流程)
Unity3D安卓环境配置运行 本文提供全流程,中文翻译.Chinar坚持将简单的生活方式,带给世人!(拥有更好的阅读体验 -- 高分辨率用户请根据需求调整网页缩放比例) Chinar -- 心分享. ...
- 阿里云 centos 环境配置与 django 部署
1. 免密码登陆 # 本机生成密钥, 并将 pub 复制到阿里云服务器上 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' # -P表示密码,-P '' 就表示空密码 $ scp ~/.ssh/FI ...
- 用python模拟登录(解析cookie + 解析html + 表单提交 + 验证码识别 + excel读写 + 发送邮件)
老婆大人每个月都要上一个网站上去查数据,然后做报表. 为了减轻老婆大人的工作压力,所以我决定做个小程序,减轻我老婆的工作量. 准备工作 1.tesseract-ocr 这个工具用来识别验证码,非常好用 ...
- 通过Xshell连接CentOS虚拟机
1.通过"setup"配置网络ip(CentOS7不支持setup配置) 2.通过"service network restart"来重启网络服务 3.&quo ...
- SICK激光雷达LMS511测量数据说明
帧结构说明 LMS511的官方手册存在几个版本,在<Laser Measurement Systems of the LMS500 Product Family>的英文手册中,对单次(连续 ...
- Asp.Net MVC 捆绑(Bundle)
Asp.Net MVC 捆绑(Bundle) 大多数浏览器会对同一域名的请求限制请求数量,一般是在8个以内.每次最多可以同时请求8个,要是资源多于8个,那么剩下的就要排队等待请求了.所以为了提高首次加 ...
- .net 分布式的未来:微服务
一.背景&问题 之前框架是一个基于SOA思想设计的分布式框架.各应用通过服务方式提供使用,服务之间通信是RPC方式调用,具体实现基于.NET的WCF通信平台.框架存在如下2个问题: 1.高并发 ...
- lua luaconf解读
- c语言的数组
1. 数组的基本概念 一个int类型的变量能保存一个人的年龄,如果想保存整个班的年龄呢? 1. 什么是数组 数组,从字面上看,就是一组数据的意思,没错,数组就是用来存储一组数据的 2. 数组的特点 ● ...
- [搜索]ElasticSearch Java Api(一) -添加数据创建索引
转载: ElasticSearch JAVA API官网文档:https://www.elast ...
- 爬虫day 04(通过登录去爬虫 解决django的csrf_token)
#通过登录去爬虫 #首先要有用户名和密码 import urllib.request import http.cookiejar from lxml import etree head = { 'Co ...
- 【原创】python基于大数据现实双色球预测
前提准备:利用sql筛选出每个球出现概率最高的前5个数 原理:先爬出所有的历史数据,然后模拟摇奖机出球的机制并大量模拟计算,直到出现列表中的某一个数后即停 注意事项:由于计算过程数据量很大,需要加入内 ...