公司迁移git 新库,重新迁移数据。

添加 ssh key 

1. 首先要在新git 库管理平台 添加新的ssh-key :


ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" 


Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa): <----缺省就可以,直接回车
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <----密码可以不用设,太多密码谁记得住,直接回车
Your identification has been saved in /Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/xxx/.ssh/

2. 将 id_rsa.pub文件 内容复制到git上的ssh key

3. 同时添加 到本机的ssh key 列表: ssh-add





2、修改本地repo的url: git remote set-url origin ${new_repo_url}  ;   git remote set-url --push origin ${new_repo_url}

3、git push -u origin --all  ;   git push -u origin --tags




3、git init

4、git remote add origin ${new_repo_url}

5、git add .

6、git commit -m "Initial commit"

7、git push -u origin master

但是 在git push -u origin --all  时,出现 Agent admitted failure to sign using the key  错误,原因是 没有进行上述:3. 同时添加 到本机的ssh key 列表: ssh-add ,添加进即可

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