
private double[,] ReverseMatrix( double[,] dMatrix, int Level )
double dMatrixValue = MatrixValue( dMatrix, Level );
if( dMatrixValue == ) return null; double[,] dReverseMatrix = new double[Level,*Level];
double x, c;
// Init Reverse matrix
for( int i = ; i < Level; i++ )
for( int j = ; j < * Level; j++ )
if( j < Level )
dReverseMatrix[i,j] = dMatrix[i,j];
dReverseMatrix[i,j] = ;
} dReverseMatrix[i,Level + i ] = ;
} for( int i = , j = ; i < Level && j < Level; i++, j++ )
if( dReverseMatrix[i,j] == )
int m = i;
for( ; dMatrix[m,j] == ; m++ );
if( m == Level )
return null;
// Add i-row with m-row
for( int n = j; n < * Level; n++ )
dReverseMatrix[i,n] += dReverseMatrix[m,n];
} // Format the i-row with "1" start
x = dReverseMatrix[i,j];
if( x != )
for( int n = j; n < * Level; n++ )
if( dReverseMatrix[i,n] != )
dReverseMatrix[i,n] /= x;
} // Set 0 to the current column in the rows after current row
for( int s = Level - ; s > i;s-- )
x = dReverseMatrix[s,j];
for( int t = j; t < * Level; t++ )
dReverseMatrix[s,t] -= ( dReverseMatrix[i,t]* x );
} // Format the first matrix into unit-matrix
for( int i = Level - ; i >= ; i-- )
for( int j = i + ; j < Level; j++ )
if( dReverseMatrix[i,j] != )
c = dReverseMatrix[i,j];
for( int n = j; n < *Level; n++ )
dReverseMatrix[i,n] -= ( c * dReverseMatrix[j,n] );
} double[,] dReturn = new double[Level, Level];
for( int i = ; i < Level; i++ )
for( int j = ; j < Level; j++ )
dReturn[i,j] = dReverseMatrix[i,j+Level];
return dReturn;
} private double MatrixValue( double[,] MatrixList, int Level )
double[,] dMatrix = new double[Level, Level];
for( int i = ; i < Level; i++ )
for( int j = ; j < Level; j++ )
dMatrix[i,j] = MatrixList[i,j];
double c, x;
int k = ;
for( int i = , j = ; i < Level && j < Level; i++, j++ )
if( dMatrix[i,j] == )
int m = i;
for( ; dMatrix[m,j] == ; m++ );
if( m == Level )
return ;
// Row change between i-row and m-row
for( int n = j; n < Level; n++ )
c = dMatrix[i,n];
dMatrix[i,n] = dMatrix[m,n];
dMatrix[m,n] = c;
} // Change value pre-value
k *= (-);
} // Set 0 to the current column in the rows after current row
for( int s = Level - ; s > i;s-- )
x = dMatrix[s,j];
for( int t = j; t < Level; t++ )
dMatrix[s,t] -= dMatrix[i,t]* ( x/dMatrix[i,j] );
} double sn = ;
for( int i = ; i < Level; i++ )
if( dMatrix[i,i] != )
sn *= dMatrix[i,i];
return ;
return k*sn;
double[,] dMatrix = new double[,]{{,,},{,,},{,,}};
double[,] dReturn = ReverseMatrix( dMatrix, );
if( dReturn != null )
for( int i=; i < ; i++ )
Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "{0} {1} {2}",
dReturn[i,], dReturn[i,],dReturn[i,] ) );


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