Creating a  New  Table

In order to create a new table, use the DynamoDB.ServiceResource.create_table() method:


import  boto3

#获取dynamoDB 服务资源

dynamodb  = boto3.resource('dynamodb')

# 创建DynamDB 表




  主键属性: keySchema

table = dynamodb.create_table(





      'KeyType':'HASH'  #哈希




      'KeyType':'RANGE' #貌似列表




            'AttributeName': 'username',
            'AttributeType': 'S'
            'AttributeName': 'last_name',
            'AttributeType': 'S'







# wait until the talble exists.


#print out some data about the table.




This creates a table named users that respectively has the hash and range primary keys username and last_name. This method will return a DynamoDB.Table resource to call additional methods on the created table.

Using an Existing Table 使用存在的表

It is also possible to create a DynamoDB.Table resource from an existing table:


import boto3

#get the service resource.

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')

# Instantiate a table resource object without actually实例化表资源对象
# creating a DynamoDB table. Note that the attributes of this tableare lazy-loaded: a request is not made nor are the attributevalues populated until the attributes on the table resource are accessed or its load() method is called.



table = dynamodb.Table('user')

# Print out some data about the table.打印一些关于表格的数据。
# This will cause a request to be made to DynamoDB and its attribute values will be set based on the response.译文:这将导致向DynamoDB发出请求,并根据响应设置其属性值。print(table.creation_date_time)

Expected Output (Please note that the actual times will probably not match up):

2015-06-26 12:42:45.149000-07:00


Creating a New Item

Once you have a DynamoDB.Table resource you can add new items to the table using DynamoDB.Table.put_item():









For all of the valid types that can be used for an item, refer to Valid DynamoDB Types.


Valid DynamoDB Types 有效的数据类型:

Python Type

Python Type DynamoDB Type
string String (S)
integer Number (N)
decimal.Decimal Number (N)
boto3.dynamodb.types.Binary Binary (B)
boolean Boolean (BOOL)
None Null (NULL)
string set String Set (SS)
integer set Number Set (NS)
decimal.Decimal set Number Set (NS)
boto3.dynamodb.types.Binary set Binary Set (BS)
list List (L)
dict Map (M)


未完 待续


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