quotes = ('A man is not complete until he is married. Then he is finished.',
'As I said before, I never repeat myself.',
'Behind a successful man is an exhausted woman.',
'Black holes really suck...', 'Facts are stubborn things.') class QuoteModel: def get_quote(self, n):
value = quotes[n]
except IndexError as err:
value = 'Not found!'
return value class QuoteTerminalView: def show(self, quote):
print('And the quote is: "{}"'.format(quote)) def error(self, msg):
print('Error: {}'.format(msg)) def select_quote(self):
return input('Which quote number would you like to see?') class QuoteTerminalController: def __init__(self):
self.model = QuoteModel()
self.view = QuoteTerminalView() def run(self):
valid_input = False
while not valid_input:
n = self.view.select_quote()
n = int(n)
except ValueError as err:
self.view.error("Incorrect index '{}'".format(n))
valid_input = True
quote = self.model.get_quote(n)
self.view.show(quote) def main():
controller = QuoteTerminalController()
while True:
controller.run() if __name__ == '__main__':



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