Guidelines for Installing Oracle HR Sample Schemas
All scripts necessary to install sample schemas reside in $ORACLE_HOME
directory. Before you install sample schemas by running these scripts, follow these guidelines:
You must connect as a system administrator using the
privilege.When prompted to enter a password for the schema, enter a secure password that meets the requirements described in Oracle Database Security Guide.
When prompted for tablespace names while running scripts:
Enter an appropriate tablespace name, for example,
as the default tablespace for a schemaEnter
as the temporary tablespace for a schema
When prompted for the log directory name, enter
or any other existing directory name.
Make sure that you end the log directory name with a trailing slash, for example, $ORACLE_HOME
Installing the HR Schema
All scripts necessary to create the Human Resource (HR) schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME
You need to call only one script, hr_main.sql
, to create all the objects and load the data. The following steps provide a summary of the installation process:
Log on to SQL*Plus as
using theAS SYSDBA
privilege.sqlplus connect sys as sysdba
Enter password: passwordTo run the
script, use the following command:SQL> @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql
Enter a secure password for HR
specify password for HR as parameter 1:
Enter value for 1:See Also:
Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum password requirements
Enter an appropriate tablespace, for example,
as the default tablespace forHR
specify default tablespace for HR as parameter 2:
Enter value for 2:Enter
as the temporary tablespace forHR
specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:
Enter value for 3:Enter your
passwordspecify password for SYS as parameter 4:
Enter value for 4:Enter the directory path, for example,
, for your log directoryspecify log path as parameter 5:
Enter value for 5:
After the hr_main.sql
script runs successfully and the HR
schema is installed, you are connected as the user HR.
To verify that the schema was created, use the following command:
SQL> SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
Running hr_main.sql
accomplishes the following tasks:
Removes any previously installed
schemaCreates the user
and grants the necessary privilegesConnects as
Calls the scripts that create and populate the schema objects
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