The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.


Once you make a lie, you may have to make more lies to convince others.

Telling the truth from the get-go will help us avoid the situations in which telling the truth could mean the end of something otherwise magnificent.

Just as Thomas Jefferson had said: Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

To be honest with yourself, that is the most important thing when you want to survive in this highly competitive world.

Don't be complacent over other's soft soap, those flattery will get you nowhere if you can't present qualified accomplishments.

There is no remedy for love but to love more.


From Henry David Thoreau.

It says love cures people, both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.

You never know how valuable it was and how happy you were when you had someone to love only if you lost it.

Now that she has already married and it seems she is living a happier life with her family than the days with you, why not forget that period of time and start a new relationship?

But sometimes I feel pretty good to be alone. Maybe I have been singled for a long time and have already become used to be single.

How terrible it is. Stop staying alone, go out of your isolated space and make some new friends.

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