



. /etc/init.d/functions devsNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_devs/'|wc -l`
gatewayNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_gateway/'|wc -l`
live_serverNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_live/'|wc -l`
nvr_Num=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_nvr/'|wc -l`
oss_Num=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_oss/'|wc -l`
portalNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/portal_ds6/'|wc -l`
rec_serverNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_rec/'|wc -l`
xhome_ssNum=`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/xhome_ss/'|wc -l` #echo $devsNum $gatewayNum $live_serverNum $nvr_Num $oss_Num $portalNum $rec_serverNum $xhome_ssNu status()
output='printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n"'
[ $devsNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "dev" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_devs/{print $2}'`" || echo "dev is not Run"
[ $gatewayNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "gateway" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_gateway/{print $2}'`" || echo "gateway is not Run"
[ $live_serverNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "live_server" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_live/{print $2}'`" || echo "live_server is not Run"
[ $nvr_Num -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "nvr" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_nvr/{print $2}'`" || echo "Nvr is not Run"
[ $oss_Num -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "oss" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_oss/{print $2}'`" || echo "oss is not Run"
[ $portalNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "portal" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/portal_ds6$?/{print $2}'`" || echo "portal is not Run"
[ $rec_serverNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "rec_server" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/sdk_rec/{print $2}'`" || echo "rec_server is not Run"
[ $xhome_ssNum -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "ss" "`ps -eo comm,pid|awk '/xhome_ss/{print $2}'`" || echo "ss is not Run"
[ `ps -e|awk '/report/'|wc -l` -eq ] && printf "%-11s is Running and PID is %6s\n" "report" "`ps -e|awk '/report/{printf("%s ",$1)}'`" || echo "report is not Run"
} start()
#start devs
if [ $devsNum -eq ];then
echo "dev Server is already Running"
cd devs
chmod +x sdk_devs_351
./sdk_devs_351 --Ice.Config=xhome_webdev.conf -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting dev Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start gateway
if [ $gatewayNum -eq ];then
echo "gateway Server is already Running"
cd gateway
chmod +x sdk_gateway_ice351
./sdk_gateway_ice351 -s -d -alarmvideo >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting gateway Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #Start live_server
if [ $live_serverNum -eq ];then
echo "live_Server is already Running "
cd live_server
chmod +x sdk_live_server_ice351
./sdk_live_server_ice351 -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting live_server Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #Start nvr Server
if [ $nvr_Num -eq ];then
echo "nvr_Server is already Running "
cd nvr
chmod +x sdk_nvr_write
./sdk_nvr_write -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting nvr_server Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start oss server
if [ $oss_Num -eq ];then
echo "oss_Server is already Running "
cd oss_server/
chmod +x sdk_oss_server_ice351
./sdk_oss_server_ice351 --Ice.Config=oss_server.conf -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting oss_server Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start portal
if [ $portalNum -eq ];then
echo "portal_Server is already Running "
cd portal/
chmod +x portal_ds60_ice351
./portal_ds60_ice351 -s -d& -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting portal Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start rec_server
if [ $rec_serverNum -eq ];then
echo "rec_Server is already Running "
cd rec_server/
chmod +x sdk_rec_server_ice351
./sdk_rec_server_ice351 any >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting rec_server Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start ss_server
if [ $xhome_ssNum -eq ];then
echo "ss_server is already Running "
cd ss
chmod +x xhome_ss
./xhome_ss -s -d >& /dev/null &
[ $? -eq ] && action "Starting ss_server Sucessfull" /bin/true || action "Starting Failed" /bin/false
cd ..
fi #start report
./report } stop()
#stop dev
killall - sdk_devs_351 >& /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop dev" /bin/true || action "stop dev" /bin/false #stop gateway
killall - sdk_gateway_ice351 &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop gateway" /bin/true || action "stop gateway" /bin/false #stop live_server
killall - sdk_live_server_ice351 &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop live_server" /bin/true || action "stop live_server" /bin/false #stop nvr
killall sdk_nvr_write &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop nvr" /bin/true || action "stop nvr" /bin/false
#stop oss
killall - sdk_oss_server_ice351 >& /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop oss" /bin/true || action "stop oss" /bin/false
#stop portal
killall portal_ds6$?_ice351 >& /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop portal" /bin/true || action "stop portal" /bin/false
#stop rec_server
killall - sdk_rec_server_ice351 &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop rec_server" /bin/true || action "stop rec_server" /bin/false
#stop ss
killall - xhome_ss &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop ss" /bin/true || action "stop ss" /bin/false
#stop report
killall - node_report &> /dev/null
[ $? -eq ] && action "stop report" /bin/true || action "stop ss" /bin/false } case $ in
echo "Usage $0 {start|stop|status}"


[root@iZ94nv1rj5tZ xhome]# ./ status
dev is Running and PID is
gateway is not Run
live_server is Running and PID is
nvr is Running and PID is
oss is Running and PID is
portal is Running and PID is
rec_server is Running and PID is
ss is Running and PID is
report is Running and PID is
[root@iZ94nv1rj5tZ xhome]# ./ start
dev Server is already Running
Starting gateway Sucessfull [ OK ]
live_Server is already Running
nvr_Server is already Running
oss_Server is already Running
portal_Server is already Running
rec_Server is already Running
ss_server is already Running
node_report: no process killed
start report sucessfull



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