根节点 子类 属性 类型
|--------Image 图片信息
| o------name string
| o------restype string
| o------mask unsigned long#
|--------Font 字体信息
| o------name string
| o------size long
| o------bold bool
| o------underline bool
| o------default bool
|--------Default 默认Attribute属性
o------name string
o------value string
o--size 窗体初始化大小 SIZE(int cx, int cy)
o--sizebox 窗体区域 RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
o--caption 窗体标题栏区域 RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
o--roundcorner 圆角大小 SIZE(int cx, int cy)
o--mininfo 窗体最小大小 SIZE(int cx, int cy)
o--maxinfo 窗体最大大小 SIZE(int cx, int cy)
o--showdirty 窗体显示 bool [true|false]
o--alpha 窗体透明度 int
o--bktrans 背景是否支持透明 bool [true|false]
o--disabledfontcolor 无效字体颜色 string #RRGGBBAA
o--defaultfontcolor 默认字体颜色 string #RRGGBBAA
o--linkfontcolor 链接正常字体色 string #RRGGBBAA
o--linkhoverfontcolor链接悬停字体色 string #RRGGBBAA
o--selectedcolor 字体被选后颜色 string #RRGGBBAA
|------o file/res string
|------o restype string
|------o dest RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o source RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o corner RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o mask string #FFFFFFFF
|------o fade byte
|------o hole bool [true|false]
|------o xtiled bool [true|false]
|------o ytiled bool [true|false]
// 1、aaa.jpg
// 2、file='aaa.jpg' res='' restype='0' dest='0,0,0,0' source='0,0,0,0' corner='0,0,0,0'
// mask='#FF0000' fade='255' hole='false' xtiled='false' ytiled='false'
控件名称 类
Control CControlUI
|------o pos RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o relativepos (int nMoveXPercent, int nMoveYPercent,int nZoomXPercent,int nZoomYPercent)
|------o padding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o bkcolor/bkcolor1 string #RRGGBBAA
|------o bkcolor2 string #RRGGBBAA
|------o bkcolor3 string #RRGGBBAA
|------o bordercolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o focusbordercolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o bordersize int
|------o borderround SIZE(int x, int y)
|------o bkimage Image 属性
|------o width int
|------o height int
|------o minwidth int
|------o minheight int
|------o maxwidth int
|------o maxheight int
|------o name string
|------o text string
|------o tooltip string
|------o userdata string
|------o enabled bool [true|false]
|------o mouse bool [true|false]
|------o visible bool [true|false]
|------o float bool [true|false]
|------o shortcut TCHAR
|------o menu bool [true|false]
Container CContainerUI
|------o inset RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o mousechild bool [true|false]
|------o vscrollbar bool [true|false]
|------o hscrollbar bool [true|false]
|------o childpadding int
VerticalLayout CVerticalLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
|------o sepheight int
|------o sepimm bool [true|false]
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
HorizontalLayout CHorizontalLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
|------o sepwidth int
|------o sepimm bool [true|false]
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
DialogLayout CDialogLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
TileLayout CTitleLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
|------o columns int
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
TabLayout CTabLayoutUI : public CContainerUI
|------o selectedid int
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Edit CEditUI : public CLabelUI
|------o readonly bool [true|false]
|------o password bool [true|false]
|------o maxchar int
|------o normalimage Image 属性
|------o hotimage Image 属性
|------o focusedimage Image 属性
|------o disabledimage Image 属性
|------o nativebkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
List CListUI : public CVerticalLayoutUI, public IListUI
|------o header string bool [hidden|Show]
|------o headerbkimage string path
|------o scrollselect bool [true|false]
|------o multiexpanding bool [true|false]
|------o itemfont int Font列表的索引号
|------o itemalign string enum [left|center|right]
|------o itemendellipsis bool [true|false]
|------o itemtextpadding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o itemtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itembkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemimage string path
|------o itemselectedtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemselectedbkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemselectedimage string path
|------o itemhottextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemhotbkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemhotimage Image 属性
| |------o file string path
| |------o corner RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o itemdisabledtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemdisabledbkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemdisabledimage Image 属性
|------o itemlinecolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemshowhtml bool [true|false]
|------o CVerticalLayoutUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ListHeaderItem CListHeaderItemUI : public CControlUI
|------o dragable bool [true|false]
|------o sepwidth int
|------o align string enum [left|center|right]
|------o itemshowhtml bool [true|false]
|------o endellipsis bool [true|false]
|------o font int Font列表的索引号
|------o textcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o textpadding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o showhtml bool [true|false]
|------o normalimage Image 属性
|------o hotimage Image 属性
|------o pushedimage Image 属性
|------o focusedimage Image 属性
|------o sepimage Image 属性
CListElementUI : public CControlUI, public IListItemUI
|------o selected value 有此属性就选中
|------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ListExpandElement CListExpandElementUI : public CListTextElementUI
|------o expander RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o hideself bool [true|false]
|------o selected bool
|------o CListTextElementUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ListContainerElement CListContainerElementUI List容器
|------o selected value 有此属性就选中
ListHeader CListHeaderUI
CListLabelElementUI : public CListElementUI
ListTextElement CListTextElementUI : public CListLabelElementUI
Label CLabelUI : public CControlUI
|------o align string enum [left|center|right]
|------o endellipsis bool [true|false]
|------o font int Font列表的索引号
|------o textcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o disabledtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o textpadding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o showhtml bool [true|false]
|------o CControlUI::SetAttribute( pstrName, pstrValue )
Text CTextUI : public CLabelUI
Combo CComboUI : public CContainerUI, public IListOwnerUI
|------o textpadding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o normalimage Image 属性
|------o hotimage Image 属性
|------o pushedimage Image 属性
|------o focusedimage Image 属性
|------o disabledimage Image 属性
|------o dropbox string
|------o itemfont int Font列表的索引号
|------o itemalign string enum [left|center|right]
|------o itemtextpadding RECT(long left, long top, long right,long bottom)
|------o itemtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itembkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemimage Image 属性
|------o itemselectedtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemselectedimage Image 属性
|------o itemhottextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemhotbkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemhotimage Image 属性
|------o itemdisabledtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemdisabledbkcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemdisabledimage Image 属性
|------o itemlinecolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o itemshowhtml bool [true|false]
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Button CButtonUI : public CLabelUI
|------o normalimage Image 属性
|------o hotimage Image 属性
|------o pushedimage Image 属性
|------o focusedimage Image 属性
|------o disabledimage Image 属性
|------o hottextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o pushedtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o focusedtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Option COptionUI : public CButtonUI
|------o group string
|------o selected bool [true|false]
|------o selectedimage Image 属性
|------o foreimage Image 属性
|------o selectedtextcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o CButtonUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Progress CProgressUI : public CLabelUI
|------o fgimage Image 属性
|------o hor bool
|------o min int
|------o max int
|------o value int
|------o CLabelUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
Slider CSliderUI : public CProgressUI
|------o thumbimage Image 属性
|------o thumbhotimage Image 属性
|------o thumbpushedimage Image 属性
|------o thumbsize SIZE(int x, int y)
|------o step int
|------o CProgressUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
RichEdit CRichEditUI : public CContainerUI, public IMessageFilterUI
|------o vscrollbar bool [true|false]
|------o autovscroll bool [true|false]
|------o hscrollbar bool [true|false]
|------o autohscroll bool [true|false]
|------o wanttab bool [true|false]
|------o wantreturn bool [true|false]
|------o wantctrlreturn bool [true|false]
|------o rich bool [true|false]
|------o multiline bool [false|true]
|------o readonly bool [true|false]
|------o numberonly bool [true|false]
|------o password bool [true|false]
|------o align string enum [left|center|right]
|------o font int Font列表的索引号
|------o textcolor string #RRGGBBAA
|------o CContainerUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ActiveX CActiveXUI : public CControlUI
|------o clsid string
|------o modulename string
|------o delaycreate bool [true|false]
|------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
ScrollBar CScrollBarUI : public CControlUI
|------o button1normalimage Image 属性
|------o button1hotimage Image 属性
|------o button1pushedimage Image 属性
|------o button1disabledimage Image 属性
|------o button2normalimage Image 属性
|------o button2hotimage Image 属性
|------o button2pushedimage Image 属性
|------o button2disabledimage Image 属性
|------o thumbnormalimage Image 属性
|------o thumbhotimage Image 属性
|------o thumbpushedimage Image 属性
|------o thumbdisabledimage Image 属性
|------o railnormalimage Image 属性
|------o railhotimage Image 属性
|------o railpushedimage Image 属性
|------o raildisabledimage Image 属性
|------o bknormalimage Image 属性
|------o bkhotimage Image 属性
|------o bkpushedimage Image 属性
|------o bkdisabledimage Image 属性
|------o hor bool [true|false]
|------o linesize int
|------o range int
|------o value int
|------o showbutton1 bool [true|false]
|------o showbutton2 bool [true|false]
|------o CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName, pstrValue)
The string formatter supports a kind of "mini-html" that consists of various short tags:
Bold: <b>text</b>
Color: <c #xxxxxx>text</c> where x = RGB in hex
Font: <f x>text</f> where x = font id
Italic: <i>text</i>
Image: <i x y z> where x = image name and y = imagelist num and z(optional) = imagelist id
Link: <a x>text</a> where x(optional) = link content, normal like app:notepad or http:www.xxx.com
NewLine <n>
Paragraph: <p x>text</p> where x = extra pixels indent in p
Raw Text: <r>text</r>
Selected: <s>text</s>
Underline: <u>text</u>
X Indent: <x i> where i = hor indent in pixels
Y Indent: <y i> where i = ver indent in pixels
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