1. 如果要删除目录,

rmdir or rm -d 或许可以删除空目录,但是只有
rm -R 可以把目录以及其内容连带删除!

2. 查看文件大小:

ls -l --block-size=G 还可以换成MB
ls -lh

3. mac中使用sudo user:

sudo -s
然后输入你的用户密码(不是master code)即可!

4. 截取部分文件

截取行: head - file.txt > top_100_row.txt 同理可用tail截取  还可使用grep进行行的选择

截取列: cut -f1- -d',' file.txt > top_10_column.txt

5. 查找文件中是否含有某字符串

find .|xargs grep -ri "IBM"
find .|xargs grep -ri "IBM" -l
find ./ -name "IBM"

6. Export path

export PATH=/Volumes/Macintosh_HD_2/Programs/samtools-0.1./misc/:$PATH
#you can now type directly on the terminal "samtools"

7. comm 命令

comm - <(sort a) <(sort b)
#注意这里的“<“。这个符号是”using a file as standard input"
#i.e. cat xyz.txt 和 cat < xyz.txt 效果是一样的

8. sed command

#to delete the 3rd line of a file
sed '3d' fileName.txt
#to select several lines of a file
sed -n '320123,320150'p filename

9. less command

less text.txt
#then, just type
#you can find the 450th line

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