
  1. Double click on UI element goes to its _click event.
  2. F12 – for method or variable, go to its definition by right-click on element and select Go To Definition (F12).
  3. Shift + F12 – for method or variable, find its all reference by right-click on element and select Find All References (Shift + F12).
  4. Ctrl + - - after going to a new position, return back to the previous location by Ctrl + -.


  1. F5 – start debugging
  2. F9 – toggle breakpoint for current line.
  3. Breakpoint Contrition – only hit the breakpoint when certain condition is satisfied.
  4. F10 – execute the code in current line, and then step to the next line.
  5. F11 – Step into the method in the current line


  1. In debug mode, moving cursor onto property to see the current value after execution.
  2. Watch – for property or variable, see its value by right-click on it and select Add Watch or Quick Watch (Shift + F9).
  3. Move executed line – move cursor onto the current executed line, click on it to drag and drop the execution mark to other location inside the method, this will change the current executed line.

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