Problem Link:

Two typical techniques are inspected in this problem:

  1. Hash Table. One hash set is the words dictionary where we can check if a word is in the dictionary in O(1) time. The other hash set is used to store all visited words we already checked.
  2. Double-direction BFS. To accelerate the process that finds the shortest path between start word and end word, we need carry on a special BFS from both start word and end word. If there exists a path between start word and end word, then two fronts must meet at some time.

One simple solution for this problem is BFS from the start word, we keep a list of edge words (the last word of each path). Each time, we search all unvisited words next to the edge words, and add these new found words into the new edge list. The program return the length of the path when the end words is reached, or return 0 if no unvisited words can be found.

However, I implemented this BFS but got a TLE. So I adapted a double-direction BFS which may half the running time, and is accepted by the leetcode judge. The algorithm can go as follows.

Let start_front be the list of edge words of BFS paths from the start word
Let end_front be the list of edge words of BFS paths from the end word
Initialize start_front = [start] and end_front = [end]
Start a double direction BFS loop, in each iteration we extend the two fronts as follows:
  For each word w in start_front
    Find all transformable words of w those are not visited yet
  Let all new found words be the new start_font, return 0 if no new words found
  If two fronts meet, then return the number of transforms
  For each word w in end_front
    Find all transformable words of w those are not visited yet
  Let all new found words be the new end_front, return 0 if no new words found
  If two fronts meet, then return the number of transforms

The following code is the python implementatation which is accepted by

class Solution:
# @param start, a string
# @param end, a string
# @param dict, a set of string
# @return an integer
def ladderLength(self, start, end, dict):
Suppose start, end, and all words in dict are of the same length.
Then we apply BFS from both start and end, and keep track of the two front edges.
If the two front meet, then there is a path from start to end.
The algorithm can go as follows.
1) Let start_front be the list of words on the edge BFS from start word;
2) Let end_front be the list of words on the edge BFS from end word;
3) Initialize start_front = [start] and end_front = [end]
4) Start a loop where each iteration we do extend two fronts and check if they meet:
1a) Extend the start front to unvisited words
1b) If the start front cannot be extent, it means there is no path between start and end,
then return 0.
1c) If the two fronts meet, then return (transform_number + 1)
2a) Extend the end front to unvisited words
2b) If the end front cannot be extent, then return 0
2c) If the two front meet, then return (transform_number + 1)
# Special cases
if start == end:
return 1 # The length of words
WORD_LENGTH = len(start) # Initialize the two fronts
start_front = [start]
end_front = [end] # Initialize the number of transforms
counter = 0 # Initialize the set of visited words
visited = set()
visited.add(end) # Extend the two fronts and check if they can meet
while True:
# Extend the start front
new_front = []
# Suppose the start front can extend
counter += 1
# Check all unvisited words transformed from the start front
for w in start_front: # Each word in the start front
for i in xrange(WORD_LENGTH): # Each character in the word
for candidate in [w[:i]+chr(97+c)+w[i+1:] for c in xrange(26)]:
# Check if two fronts can meet
if candidate in end_front:
return counter + 1
# Find all unvisited words from the front and add them as new front
if candidate in dict and candidate not in visited:
# Check if there exists any word for the new front
if new_front:
start_front = new_front
return 0 # Extend the end front
new_front = []
# Suppose the end front can extend
counter += 1
# Check all unvisited words transformed from the end front
for w in end_front: # Each word in the end front
for i in xrange(WORD_LENGTH): # Each character in the word
for candidate in [w[:i]+chr(97+c)+w[i+1:] for c in xrange(26)]:
# Check if two fronts can meet
if candidate in start_front:
return counter + 1
# Find all unvisited words from the front and add them as new front
if candidate in dict and candidate not in visited:
# Check if there exists any word for the new front
if new_front:
end_front = new_front
return 0

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