Skyscrapers Covered in Solar Pancels【太阳能电池板覆盖的摩天大楼】
Skyscrapers Covered in Solar Panels
An office tower on Miller Stree in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels.
They are used to create some of the energy used by the insurance company inside.
When the tower was first constructed in 1962. it was covered with thin square stones.
These small square stones became a problem for the building and continued to fail off
the face for 40 years until a major renovation was undertaken.
During this renovation the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury.
They agreed to cover the entire building in solar panels.
In 2004, the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest collection of vertical solar panels.
A vertical solar project on such a large scale has never been repeated since.
Covering a skyscraper with solar panels had never been done before, and the CIS tower was
chosen as one of the "10 best green energy projects".
For a long time after this renovation project, it was the tallest building in the United Kingdom,
but it was eventually overtaken by the Millbank Tower.
Green buildings like this aren't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor, but it does produce
much less pullution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels.
As solar panels get cheaper, the world is likely to see more skyscrapers covered in solar
panels, collecting energy much like trees do.
Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather
one to collect the most solar energy.
1、be covered with / in、、、:覆盖着、、、
例:What have you been doing outside? Why are your shirts covered in dirt?
2、fall of 跌落;减少;落下
carry something out 从事;承担
undertake a renovation;
undertake a project;
undertake a task;
engage in;
take in;
launch into;
ask advice / seek information from someone. 咨询
consult with someone : 和某人商量
counsel : give advice to someone n/v.建议
5、on a large scale 大规模的
scale :规模的(extent)
become higher or more successful than 超过
overtake 突然侵袭
7、cost-efficient / cost-effective 划算的;合算的;有最佳利润的
energy-efficient 节能的
单词 | 释意 | 单词 | 释意 |
completely | adv.完整地;彻底地 | insurance company | 保险公司 |
energy | n.能量;能源 | constructed | v.组成;构成 |
renovation | n.修理;恢复 | major | adj.主要的;较多的;严重的 |
eventually | adv.终于;最后 | necessarily | adv.必然;必定 |
investor | n.投资者 |
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