how to keep impact-crusher in good condition

Why we have to maintenance impact crusher?

As we talked before(link),how does the impact crusher work.From that post,we realize that the impact crusher play a very important
role in our quarry project or the mining field.Well, everything is a two-edged sword.As the impact crusher kill the rock,it will

wear and tear some parts of itself.So,in order to extend the life of the impact crusher,we regularly maintenance it.
Always Check out the impact crusher.

To make sure the impact crusher in good working condition,we need to check out the working status.
We have to check the following sides of the impact crusher:

Impact crusher operating point is stable,when the machine is a sudden increase in the amount of vibration, we should

immediately stop to identify the cause eliminated.

Under normal circumstances, the bearing temperature rise should not exceed 35 degrees, the maximum temperature

should not exceed 70 degrees, when the temperature rise more than 70 degrees, we should immediately stop it and identify the


When the plate hammer wear limit is reached point we should turn around and use or timely replacement.

When after assembly or replace the the board hammer, we must maintain the rotor balancing, static balance may not

exceed 0.25kg.m.

When the rack liner wear,it should be replaced to avoid abrasion cabinet.

Remember lubricate the machine

As we all know, each machine requires be lubricated to prevent wear and tear on their own.
So how we make lubrication for the impact crusher to make in in good condition?

Constantly pay attentions and timely manner friction surface lubrication.
The lubricating oil we adopted on the impact crusher should be based on the location, temperature and other conditions to

determine, generally can be Calcium - sodium based lubricants.
After working eight hours per filling oil to the bearings once, once every three months to replace the grease, oil change,

application of clean gasoline or kerosene carefully cleaned bearings, adding grease within the bearing capacity of 50%.

In short, it is very important to maintain the impact crusher.These are some of the commonly used methods to keep your

machine in good condition.Hope those help.

Other post about the related crusher products

So far,we basically understant how to maintain a impact crusher.If you want to know more about the related crusher

products, here are some other post you may interested in:

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