Today is a perfect day to start living your dream.


Miracles may happen every day.

If you choose to live your dream and strive for it, then it may be a perfect day.

Sometimes, we feel we have tried our best but we still failed, yes, man proposes, God disposes.

Maybe nothing just happens, it is all part of a plan.

People are smarter than you think. Give them a chance to prove themselves.


There are many people who are very smart and clever, even quite smarter and cleverer than you think.

Sometimes you think they are merely common ones and mediocrity just because you think their performance may be not so good or excellent as you have expected.

Then, before you choose to deny their ablities, please have a little thought about whether the chances and resources they have abtained was enough or not.

Did they have the chance and stage to fully play their capabilities?

Were they limited by the existing restrictions?

If the answere is no or I am not sure, please don't hurry to deny them, try to praise their performance and give them one or more chances to prove themselves.

Remember, praises may bring one's initiative into full play, then one can do better and contribute more to the organization in the future.

A piece of advice to myself:

For ourselves, don't become an arrogant person.

No one likes to be arround an arrogant one because it is a quaility that doesn't attract people.

Back to myself, it seems I am not an overconfident man but a self-abased one.

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