基于django rest framework的mock server实践
网上找了一下mock server的实现,发现python的基本都是基于flask来实现的,因最近在学django,就尝试用drf实现了下:
A brief introduction of sui_mock
sui mock server is an attempt that aim at dealing some issues of the third part service,get it from https://github.com/chengtch/sui-mock
Reference resources:
simple mock from testerhome with flask https://testerhome.com/topics/10238
ali mock platform https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/236198
1) Why we need mock
1.1 To simulate unstable services
Because there is no business logic in mock server,that makes it stable enough
2.2 To quickly construct complex data
Because we can customize a response
2.3 To rapidly construct abnormal scenes
Because we can return any response code we want
2.4 To help the coders impove coding efficiency
Because they don't need to wait too long for debugging
2.5 To help the testers get better working
As a tester ,you should know what i am trying to say
2) Design logic
Django + rest framework + mysql
3) Steps to complete
- 3.1 create new django project named sui_mock
- 3.2 create new app named app_mock
- 3.3 design the models with all the api params
- 3.4 make configrations of the settings about db,app,language
- 3.5 makemigrations\migrate\createsuperuser: admin/your_password
- 3.6 register the model class in the admin.py
- 3.7 edit the serializer and views to implement the function logic
- 3.8 config the urls.py to match the request path
- 3.9 install all the dependency (get it from the requirement.txt)
- 3.10 start the mockserver by
python manage.py runserver
4) Examples
4.1 Start the server and add an api in the backstage management system
4.2 Call the api by postman
5) Run server by https
first install some thirdpart libs:
pip install django-extensions
pip install django-werkzeug-debugger-runserver
pip install pyOpenSSL
then run the server:
python manage.py runserver_plus --cert server.crt
finally visit the https server:
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