
cx_Oracle is a module that enables access to Oracle databases and conforms to the Python database API specification. This module is currently built against Oracle 11.2 and 12.1 and works for both Python 2.x and 3.x.

Any outstanding changes will be rolled back when the connection object is destroyed or closed.



  This read-write attribute determines whether autocommit mode is on or off.

Connection.begin() Connection.begin([formatId, transactionId, branchId])

  Explicitly begin a new transaction. Without parameters, this explicitly begins a local transaction; otherwise, this explicitly begins a distributed (global) transaction with the given     parameters  



  Cancel a long-running transaction.

Connection.changepassword(oldpassword, newpassword)

  Change the password of the logon.


  Close the connection now, rather than whenever __del__ is called. The connection will be unusable from this point forward; an Error exception will be raised if any operation is attempted with the connection. The same applies to any cursor objects trying to use the connection.



  Commit any pending transactions to the database.



  Return a new Cursor object (Cursor Object) using the connection.


  This read-only attribute returns the TNS entry of the database to which a connection has been established.



  This read-only attribute returns the IANA character set name of the character set in use by the Oracle client.



  Ping the server which can be used to test if the connection is still active.

Connection.register(code, when, function)

  Register the function as an OCI callback. The code is one of the function codes defined in the Oracle documentation of which the most common ones are defined as constants in this module. The when parameter is one of UCBTYPE_ENTRY, UCBTYPE_EXIT or UCBTYPE_REPLACE. The function is a Python function which will accept the parameters that the OCI function accepts, modified as needed to return Python objects that are of some use. Note that this is a highly experimental method and can cause cx_Oracle to crash if not used properly. In particular, the OCI does not provide sizing information to the callback so attempts to access a variable beyond the allocated size will crash cx_Oracle. Use with caution.



  Rollback any pending transactions.


  Shutdown the database.

Connection.startup(force=False, restrict=False)

  Startup the database.


  This read-write attribute specifies the size of the statement cache. This value can make a significant difference in performance (up to 100x) if you have a small number of statements that you execute repeatedly.


Connection.subscribe(namespace=cx_Oracle.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_DBCHANGE, protocol=cx_Oracle.SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI, callback=None, timeout=0, operations=OPCODE_ALLOPS, rowids=False, port=0, qos=0, cqqos=0)

  Return a new Subscription object (Subscription Object) using the connection.



  This read-only attribute returns the TNS entry of the database to which a connection has been established.

Connection.unregister(code, when)

  Unregister the function as an OCI callback



  This read-only attribute returns the name of the user which established the connection to the database.

  = show name


  This read-only attribute returns the version of the database to which a connection has been established.

Cursor Object


  This read-write attribute specifies the number of rows to fetch at a time internally and is the default number of rows to fetch with the fetchmany() call. It defaults to 50 meaning to fetch 50 rows at a time



  This read-write attribute specifies the number of rows to bind at a time and is used when creating variables via setinputsizes() or var(). It defaults to 1 meaning to bind a single row at a time.


Cursor.arrayvar(dataType, value[, size])

  Create an array variable associated with the cursor of the given type and size and return a variable object (Variable Objects). The value is either an integer specifying the number of elements to allocate or it is a list and the number of elements allocated is drawn from the size of the list. If the value is a list, the variable is also set with the contentsof the list. If the size is not specified and the type is a string or binary, 4000 bytes (maximum allowable by Oracle) is allocated. This is needed for passing arrays to PL/SQL (in cases where the list might be empty and the type cannot be determined automatically) or returning arrays from PL/SQL.



  Return the list of bind variable names bound to the statement. Note that the statement must have been prepared first.


Cursor.callfunc(name, returnType, parameters=[], keywordParameters = {})¶

  Call a function with the given name.


Cursor.callproc(name, parameters=[], keyewordParameters = {})

  Call a procedure with the given name.



  Close the cursor now,



  This read-only attribute returns a reference to the connection object on which the cursor was created.



  This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item sequences


Cursor.execute(statement, [parameters, ]**keywordParameters)

  Execute a statement against the database. Parameters may be passed as a dictionary or sequence or as keyword arguments. If the arguments are a dictionary, the values will be bound by name and if the arguments are a sequence the values will be bound by position.

A reference to the statement will be retained by the cursor. If None or the same string object is passed in again, the cursor will execute that statement again without performing a prepare or rebinding and redefining. This is most effective for algorithms where the same statement is used, but different parameters are bound to it (many times). Note that parameters that are not passed in during subsequent executions will retain the value passed in during the last execution that contained them.

For maximum efficiency when reusing an statement, it is best to use the setinputsizes() method to specify the parameter types and sizes ahead of time; in particular, None is assumed to be a string of length 1 so any values that are later bound as numbers or dates will raise a TypeError exception.

If the statement is a query, a list of variable objects (Variable Objects) will be returned corresponding to the list of variables into which data will be fetched with the fetchone(), fetchmany() and fetchall() methods; otherwise, None will be returned.


Cursor.executemany(statement, parameters, batcherrors=False, arraydmlrowcounts=False)


  Prepare a statement for execution against a database and then execute it against all parameter mappings or sequences found in the sequence parameters. The statement is managed in the same way as the execute() method manages it.

When true, the batcherrors parameter enables batch error support within Oracle and ensures that the call succeeds even if an exception takes place in one or more of the sequence of parameters. The errors can then be retrieved using getbatcherrors().

When true, the arraydmlrowcounts parameter enables DML row counts to be retrieved from Oracle after the method has completed. The row counts can then be retrieved using getarraydmlrowcounts().



  Execute the previously prepared and bound statement the given number of times



  Fetch all (remaining) rows of a query result, returning



  Fetch the next set of rows of a query result, returning a list of tuples



  Fetch the next row of a query result set



  Fetch the next set of rows of a query result into the internal buffers of the defined variables for the cursor



  This read-only attribute specifies the list of variables created for the last query that was executed on the cursor. Care should be taken when referencing this attribute. In particular, elements should not be removed.



  Retrieve the DML row counts after a call to executemany() with arraydmlrowcounts enabled. This will return a list of integers corresponding to the number of rows affected by the DML statement for each element of the array passed to executemany().



  Retrieve the exceptions that took place after a call to executemany() with batcherors enabled.



  This integer attribute defines whether or not numbers should be returned as strings rather than integers or floating point numbers. This is useful to get around the fact that Oracle floating point numbers have considerably greater precision than C floating point numbers and not require a change to the SQL being executed.



  This read-only attribute specifies the number of rows that have currently been fetched from the cursor (for select statements) or that have been affected by the operation (for insert, update and delete statementsCursor.setoutputsize(size[, column])


  This read-write attribute specifies a method to call for each row that is retrieved from the database. Ordinarily a tuple is returned for each row but if this attribute is set, the method is called with the argument tuple that would normally be returned and the result of the method is returned instead.

Cursor.setinputsizes(*args, **keywordArgs)

  This can be used before a call to execute(), callfunc() or callproc() to predefine memory areas for the operation’s parameters.


Cursor.setoutputsize(size[, column])

  This can be used before a call to execute() to predefine memory areas for the long columns that will be fetched. The column is specified as an index into the result sequence. Not specifying the column will set the default size for all large columns in the cursor.


  This read-only attribute provides the string object that was previously prepared with prepare() or executed with execute().

Cursor.var(dataType[, size, arraysize, inconverter, outconverter, typename])


Create a variable associated with the cursor of the given type and characteristics and return a variable object (Variable Objects). If the size is not specified and the type is a string or binary, 4000 bytes (maximum allowable by Oracle) is allocated; if the size is not specified and the type is a long string or long binary, 128KB is allocated. If the arraysize is not specified, the bind array size (usually 1) is used. The inconverter and outconverter specify methods used for converting values to/from the database. More information can be found in the section on variable objects.

To create an empty SQL object variable, specify the typename. Additional support for editing the attributes of this object is not yet available but will be forthcoming in a future release.

This method was designed for use with PL/SQL in/out variables where the length or type cannot be determined automatically from the Python object passed in or for use in input and output type handlers defined on cursors or connections.

SessionPool Object


  Acquire a connection from the session pool and return a connection object (Connection Object).



  This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions currently acquired.



  Drop the connection from the pool which is useful if the connection is no longer usable (such as when the session is killed).



  This read-only attribute returns the TNS entry of the database to which a connection has been established.



  This read-write boolean attribute indicates whether the pool is considered homogeneous or not. If the pool is not homogeneous different authentication can be used for each connection acquired from the pool.



  This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions that will be established when additional sessions need to be created.



  This read-only attribute returns the maximum number of sessions that the session pool can control.



  This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions with which the session pool was created and the minimum number of sessions that will be controlled by the session pool.





  This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions currently opened by the session pool.



  Release the connection back to the pool. This will be done automatically as well if the connection object is garbage collected.



  This read-write attribute indicates the time (in seconds) after which idle sessions will be terminated in order to maintain an optimum number of open sessions.



  This read-only attribute returns the name of the user which established the connection to the database.




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  7. Linux搭建python环境中cx_Oracle模块安装遇到的问题与解决方法

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