man vxfenadm
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vxfenadm - Manage SCSI-3 disk registrations and reservations
for I/O fencing and display information on I/O fencing

vxfenadm -s diskpath | -s all -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -G diskpath | -G all -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -R diskpath | -R all -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -a -k|K key -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -m -k|K key -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -n -k|K key -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -x -k|K key -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -p -k|K key -f disk_filename -v victim_node_key

vxfenadm -g diskpath | -g all -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -r diskpath | -r all -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -c -k|K key -f disk_filename

vxfenadm -i diskpath

vxfenadm -t diskpath

vxfenadm -d diskpath

vxfenadm -h


The vxfenadm utility enables the vxfen driver to manage
SCSI-3 registrations and reservations on disks for purposes
of I/O fencing. In the event of a split-brain condition, I/O
fencing allows only a system with a valid registration to
write to a disk. Thus, I/O fencing prevents data corruption
on the disks.

System administrators can use the -a, -m, -n, -x, -p, -s,
and -r flags to validate the accessibility of the disks and
to perform troubleshooting tasks; these options do not
actually implement fencing

SunOS 5.10 Last change: 2012-09-03 1


Note: While using -x and -p options, make sure I/O fencing
is not configured; these options will overwrite valid
keys used by VxVM.

A disk_filename contains the list of all disks and each path
(in the event of multiple paths) in a disk group.

If administrators use the -p, -a, -m, -n, or -x options, the
key is 8-bytes whatever the user supplies. Administrators
can use the utility to display state information,
registration and reservation information, and key
definitions. The vxfenadm utility supports both character
and numeric key formats.

Character Key Format

-k key

key is a character string. If key is less than 8 bytes in
length, then vxfenadm will append it with - (hyphen).

For keys shorter than 8 bytes, use -K KEY where KEY is in
the numeric (ascii value) format.

Numeric Key Format


KEY is in numeric (ascii value) format. For example, the
equivalent numeric format for the key APGR000 is
65,80,71,82,48,48,48,0. Because the key is seven bytes long,
0 is used for the eighth byte.

-k The key consisting of eight bytes defined for this set
of disks.

-K Same as -k, but in numeric sequence.

-f Option flag preceding the name of the file,
disk_filename, that contains all of the fully qualified
path(s) to each disk; a disk can be accessible by
multiple paths.

-p Removes the registrations and reservations made for
disks in disk_filename made with key used by the victim
node (-v victim_node_key).

-v Key used by the victim node to register/reserve disks.

-a Registers with the disks in disk_filename using
RegisterIgnore operation.

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-m Registers with the disks in disk_filename.

-n Reserves with the disks in disk_filename.

-x Unregisters with the disks in disk_filename.

-s Reads the keys registered on a disk specified by
diskpath or reads the keys which are registered in all
disks listed in disk_filename. Keys are displayed in
numeric, character and node format.

-g Reads the keys registered on a disk specified by
diskpath or reads the keys which are registered on all
disks listed in disk_filename. Keys are displayed in
numeric and character format.

-G Reads the keys on a disk and if possible prints node ID
based on first byte of the key. Specify a diskpath or a
disk_filename (a listing of paths), and print formatted

-r Reads the reservations on a disk specified by diskpath
or reads the reservations on all disks listed in

-R Reads the reservations on a disk specified by diskpath
or reads the reservations on all disks listed in
disk_filename, and print the results in numeric format.

-c Clears persistent reservations done by all nodes on
disks mentioned in disk_filename. For this command to
be successful, the node where this command is run must
have its key registered with all disks in

-i Reads the SCSI inquiry information from the disk listed
in diskpath.

-t Issue SCSI TEST UNIT command and return 0 if

-d Displays cluster-wide system state.

-h Displays the usage for vxfenadm command.

If you enter the following command to register a key AVCS:

# vxfenadm -m -k AVCS -f disk_filename

-k AVCS will convert the key to AVCS---- before the SCSI-3
command is issued to the device. AVCS will register as

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AVCS---- on the disk. The same holds for other SCSI-3
commands. If you try to unregister a key with character
format that is less than 8 bytes, the unregistration fails.
For example: Read the keys registered on a disk using the
following command:

# vxfenadm -g all -f disk_filename
Device Name: <diskpath>
Total Number Of Keys: 2
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,80,71,82,48,48,48,0
Key Value [Character Format]: APGR000

If you unregister the key using the following command, the
unregistration fails:

# vxfenadm -x -k APGR000 -f disk_filename
VCS FEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1204 Command 0 FAILED for:diskpath
VCS FEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1120 Unregistration FAILED for:diskpath
VCS FEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1133 Error returned

In this case, the key registered on the disks is APGR000.
But the vxfenadm command implicitly converted the key to
APGR000-. Hence the unregistration failed. The
unregistration will succeed with the numeric format.

To successfully unregister the key, enter the following

# vxfenadm -x -K 65,80,71,82,48,48,48,0 -f disk_filename
VCS FEN vxfenadm NOTICE Deleted the key:[APGR000] from device diskpath

To clear all reservations on a disk, enter the following
command at a node having reservation on the disk:

# vxfenadm -c -k VF000001 -f disk_filename
DMP Clear completed for disk path: disk_path

vxfenconfig(1M), vxfentsthdw(1M), vxfendebug(1M),
vxfenmode(4M), vxfenclearpre(1M)

Copyright (c) 2012 Symantec.

All rights reserved.

SunOS 5.10 Last change: 2012-09-03

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