



左偏树 Leftist Tree





  • 1.\(val\)值,代表该编号元素的权值
  • 2.\(dis\)值,代表该节点到叶子节点的最短距离
  • 3.\(l\)值,代表该节点的左儿子编号
  • 4.\(r\)值,代表该节点的右儿子编号
  • 5.\(f\)值,代表该节点的父亲编号



  1. struct LeftistTree
  2. {
  3. int dis,val,l,r,f;
  4. #define dis(x) (tree[x].dis)
  5. #define val(x) (tree[x].val)
  6. #define l(x) (tree[x].l)
  7. #define r(x) (tree[x].r)
  8. #define f(x) (tree[x].f)
  9. }tree[N];



  • 1.堆性质:\(val(x)\leq val(l(x))\)且\(val(x)\leq val(r(x))\)(以小根堆为例)
  • 2.左偏性质\(1\):对于任意\(x\),\(dis(r(x))\leq dis(l(x))\)
  • 3.左偏性质\(2\):对于任意\(x\),\(dis(x)=dis(r(x))+1\)



  • 节点数为\(n\)的左偏树,其最大\(dis\)值至多为\(log_2(n+1)-1\)



由此,我们得到:$$n\geq 2^{k+1}-1\⇒n+1\geq 2^{k+1}\⇒log_2{(n+1)}\geq k+1\⇒k\leq log_2{(n+1)-1}$$


合并 (merge)





由之前的证明可知,节点数为\(n\)的左偏树,其最大\(dis\)值至多为\(log_2(n+1)-1\),那么我们的合并操作的最大时间复杂度即为$$O(\max_{i \in tree(x)}{dis_i}+\max_{j \in tree(y)}{dis_j})\=O(2log_2(n+1)-2)=O(log_2n)$$



  1. inline int merge(int x,int y)//返回值的含义为合并后新树的根节点编号
  2. {
  3. if(!x||!y)return x|y;//如果x,y有一棵是空树,返回另一棵的编号
  4. if(val(x)>val(y)||(val(x)==val(y)&&x>y))//维护堆性质,把权值大的合并到权值小的上
  5. swap(x,y);
  6. r(x)=merge(r(x),y);//递归合并x的右子树与y
  7. f(r(x))=x;//更新右子树父亲
  8. if(dis(l(x))<dis(r(x)))//维护左偏性质1
  9. swap(l(x),r(x));
  10. dis(x)=dis(r(x))+1;//维护左偏性质2
  11. return x;
  12. }

取出堆顶 (find)




  1. inline int find(int x)
  2. {
  3. return f(x)==x?x:f(x)=find(f(x));
  4. //由于树的最大深度未知,直接查询可能会导致时间复杂度退化为O(n)
  5. //所以要用并查集的路径压缩写法
  6. }
  7. int Min=val(find(p));//查询节点p所在左偏树的最小值,p已经被删除则返回-1

删除堆顶元素 (remove)




  1. inline void remove(int x)
  2. {
  3. val(x)=-1;//清空权值
  4. f(l(x))=l(x);f(r(x))=r(x);//重置左右儿子的父亲
  5. f(x)=merge(l(x),r(x));//将父亲重新赋值为新树的根节点
  6. }





操作1: 1 x y 将第x个数和第y个数所在的小根堆合并(若第x或第y个数已经被删除或第x和第y个数在用一个堆内,则无视此操作)

操作2: 2 x 输出第x个数所在的堆最小数,并将其删除(若第x个数已经被删除,则输出-1并无视删除操作)

Input Format




操作1 : 1 x y

操作2 : 2 x

Output Format


Sample Input

  1. 5 5
  2. 1 5 4 2 3
  3. 1 1 5
  4. 1 2 5
  5. 2 2
  6. 1 4 2
  7. 2 2

Sample Output

  1. 1
  2. 2


  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. #define filein(str) freopen(str".in","r",stdin)
  4. #define fileout(str) freopen(str".out","w",stdout)
  5. const int N=100000+20;
  6. struct LeftistTree
  7. {
  8. int dis,val,l,r,f;
  9. #define dis(x) (tree[x].dis)
  10. #define val(x) (tree[x].val)
  11. #define l(x) (tree[x].l)
  12. #define r(x) (tree[x].r)
  13. #define f(x) (tree[x].f)
  14. }tree[N];
  15. int n,m;
  16. inline int find(int x)
  17. {
  18. return f(x)==x?x:f(x)=find(f(x));
  19. }
  20. inline int merge(int x,int y)
  21. {
  22. if(!x||!y)return x|y;
  23. if(val(x)>val(y)||(val(x)==val(y)&&x>y))
  24. swap(x,y);
  25. r(x)=merge(r(x),y);
  26. f(r(x))=x;
  27. if(dis(l(x))<dis(r(x)))
  28. swap(l(x),r(x));
  29. dis(x)=dis(r(x))+1;
  30. return x;
  31. }
  32. inline void remove(int x)
  33. {
  34. val(x)=-1;
  35. f(l(x))=l(x);f(r(x))=r(x);
  36. f(x)=merge(l(x),r(x));
  37. }
  38. inline void input(void)
  39. {
  40. scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
  41. for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
  42. {
  43. f(i)=i;
  44. scanf("%d",&val(i));
  45. }
  46. int op,x,y;dis(0)=-1;
  47. for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
  48. {
  49. scanf("%d",&op);
  50. if(op==1)
  51. {
  52. scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
  53. if(val(x)==-1||val(y)==-1)continue;
  54. int fx=find(x),fy=find(y);
  55. if(fx^fy)
  56. f(fx)=f(fy)=merge(fx,fy);
  57. }
  58. if(op==2)
  59. {
  60. scanf("%d",&x);
  61. if(val(x)==-1)
  62. {
  63. printf("-1\n");
  64. continue;
  65. }
  66. int fx=find(x);
  67. printf("%d\n",val(fx));
  68. remove(fx);
  69. }
  70. }
  71. }
  72. int main(void)
  73. {
  74. input();
  75. return 0;
  76. }

Monkey King(洛谷P1456)


Once in a forest, there lived N aggressive monkeys. At the beginning, they each does things in its own way and none of them knows each other. But monkeys can't avoid quarrelling, and it only happens between two monkeys who does not know each other. And when it happens, both the two monkeys will invite the strongest friend of them, and duel. Of course, after the duel, the two monkeys and all of there friends knows each other, and the quarrel above will no longer happens between these monkeys even if they have ever conflicted.

Assume that every money has a strongness value, which will be reduced to only half of the original after a duel(that is, 10 will be reduced to 5 and 5 will be reduced to 2).

And we also assume that every monkey knows himself. That is, when he is the strongest one in all of his friends, he himself will go to duel.

Input Format

There are several test cases, and each case consists of two parts.

First part: The first line contains an integer N(N<=100,000), which indicates the number of monkeys. And then N lines follows. There is one number on each line, indicating the strongness value of ith monkey(<=32768).

Second part: The first line contains an integer M(M<=100,000), which indicates there are M conflicts happened. And then M lines follows, each line of which contains two integers x and y, indicating that there is a conflict between the Xth monkey and Yth.

Output Format

For each of the conflict, output -1 if the two monkeys know each other, otherwise output the strength value of the strongest monkey among all of its friends after the duel.

Sample Input

  1. 5
  2. 20
  3. 16
  4. 10
  5. 10
  6. 4
  7. 5
  8. 2 3
  9. 3 4
  10. 3 5
  11. 4 5
  12. 1 5

Sample Output

  1. 8
  2. 5
  3. 5
  4. -1
  5. 10






  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. #define mset(name,val) memset(name,val,sizeof name)
  4. #define filein(str) freopen(str".in","r",stdin)
  5. #define fileout(str) freopen(str".out","w",stdout)
  6. const int N=100000+20,M=100000+20;
  7. struct LeftistTree
  8. {
  9. int val,dis,l,r,f;
  10. #define val(x) tree[x].val
  11. #define dis(x) tree[x].dis
  12. #define l(x) tree[x].l
  13. #define r(x) tree[x].r
  14. #define f(x) tree[x].f
  15. }tree[N];
  16. int n,m;
  17. inline int find(int x){return f(x)==x?x:f(x)=find(f(x));}
  18. inline int merge(int x,int y)
  19. {
  20. if(!x|!y)return x|y;
  21. if( val(x)<val(y) || (val(x)==val(y)&&x>y) )
  22. swap(x,y);
  23. r(x)=merge( r(x) , y );
  24. f( r(x) )=x;
  25. if( dis( l(x) ) < dis( r(x) ) )
  26. swap( l(x) , r(x) );
  27. dis(x)=dis( r(x) )+1;
  28. return x;
  29. }
  30. inline void input(void)
  31. {
  32. for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
  33. scanf("%d",&val(i)),f(i)=i;
  34. scanf("%d",&m);
  35. dis(0)=-1;
  36. }
  37. inline void solve(void)
  38. {
  39. for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
  40. {
  41. int x,y,root,rootx,rooty;
  42. scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
  43. int fx=find(x),fy=find(y);
  44. if(fx==fy)
  45. {
  46. printf("-1\n");
  47. continue;
  48. }
  49. val(fx) /= 2;
  50. root = merge( l(fx) , r(fx) );
  51. l(fx) = r(fx) = 0;
  52. rootx = f(root) = f(fx) = merge( root , fx );
  53. val(fy) /= 2;
  54. root = merge( l(fy) , r(fy) );
  55. l(fy) = r(fy) = 0;
  56. rooty = f(root) = f(fy) = merge( root , fy );
  57. root=merge( rootx , rooty );
  58. printf("%d\n",val( find(root) ));
  59. }
  60. }
  61. int main(void)
  62. {
  63. while(~scanf("%d",&n))
  64. {
  65. input();
  66. solve();
  67. mset(tree,0);
  68. }
  69. return 0;
  70. }


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