To make custom changes to web requests and responses, use FiddlerScript to add rules to Fiddler's OnBeforeRequest or OnBeforeResponse function. Which function is appropriate depends on the objects your code uses: OnBeforeRequest is called before each request, and OnBeforeResponse is called before each response. Note:

  • It is not possible to access the response objects inside OnBeforeRequest as they have not yet been created.
  • It is possible to use objects from the request inside OnBeforeResponse; however, any changes you make to those objects will not be seen by the server, as it has already received the request.

Add a request header

    oSession.oRequest["NewHeaderName"] = "New header value";

Delete a response header


Change a request for one page to a different page on the same server

    if (oSession.PathAndQuery=="/version1.css") {

Point all requests for one server to the same port on a different server

    if (oSession.HostnameIs("")) {

Point all requests for one port to a different port on a different server

    if ("") {"";

Point all requests for one server to a different server, including HTTPS tunnels

    // Redirect traffic, including HTTPS tunnels
if (oSession.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT") && (oSession.PathAndQuery == "")) {
oSession.PathAndQuery = "";
} if (oSession.HostnameIs("")) oSession.hostname = "";

Simulate the Windows HOSTS file, by pointing one Hostname to a different IP address. (Retargets without changing the request's Host header)

    // All requests for should be directed to the development server at
if (oSession.HostnameIs("")){
oSession.bypassGateway = true; // Prevent this request from going through an upstream proxy
oSession["x-overrideHost"] = ""; // DNS name or IP address of target server

Retarget requests for a single page to a different page, potentially on a different server. (Retargets by changing the request's Host header)

    if (oSession.url=="") {
oSession.url = "";

Prevent upload of HTTP Cookies


Decompress and unchunk a HTTP response, updating headers if needed

    // Remove any compression or chunking from the response in order to make it easier to manipulate

Search and replace in HTML.

    if (oSession.HostnameIs("") && oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type","text/html")){

Case insensitive Search of response HTML.

    if (oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "text/html") && oSession.utilFindInResponse("searchfor", false)>-1){
oSession["ui-color"] = "red";

Remove all DIV tags (and content inside the DIV tag)

    // If content-type is HTML, then remove all DIV tags
if (oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "html")){
// Remove any compression or chunking
var oBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oSession.responseBodyBytes); // Replace all instances of the DIV tag with an empty string
var oRegEx = /<div[^>]*>(.*?)<\/div>/gi;
oBody = oBody.replace(oRegEx, ""); // Set the response body to the div-less string

Pretend your browser is the GoogleBot webcrawler

    oSession.oRequest["User-Agent"]="Googlebot/2.X (+";

Request Hebrew content


Deny .CSS requests

    if (oSession.uriContains(".css")){
oSession.oRequest.FailSession(404, "Blocked", "Fiddler blocked CSS file");

Simulate HTTP Basic authentication (Requires user to enter a password before displaying web content.)

    if ((oSession.HostnameIs("")) &&
// Prevent IE's "Friendly Errors Messages" from hiding the error message by making response body longer than 512 chars.
var oBody = "<html><body>[Fiddler] Authentication Required.<BR>".PadRight(512, ' ') + "</body></html>";
// Build up the headers
oSession.oResponse.headers.HTTPResponseCode = 401;
oSession.oResponse.headers.HTTPResponseStatus = "401 Auth Required";
oSession.oResponse["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"Fiddler (just hit Ok)\"";
oResponse.headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/html");

Respond to a request with a file loaded from the \Captures\Responses folder (Can be placed in OnBeforeRequest or OnBeforeResponse function)

    if (oSession.PathAndQuery=="/version1.css") {
oSession["x-replywithfile"] ="version2.css";

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