

Arduino Leonardo程序


#include <SPI.h>
#include "RF24.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include "RF24.h"
#include <printf.h>
/****************** User Config ***************************/
/*** Set this radio as radio number 0 or 1 ***/
bool radioNumber = ; /* Hardware configuration: Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 7 & 8 */
RF24 radio(,);
/**********************************************************/ byte addresses[][] = {"1Node","2Node"}; // Used to control whether this node is sending or receiving
bool role = ; //这个是我们即将建立的传输渠道编码
const uint64_t pipes = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; //这个变量会保持我们接受到的信息
unsigned long sendData = ;
unsigned long head = 0x01000000;//高8位为头标志,根据标志不同区分不同发送源,0x00为中心主节点
unsigned long receData; void setup() {
Serial.println(F("RF24/examples/GettingStarted")); radio.begin(); radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MAX);
radio.openWritingPipe(pipes); } void loop() {
unsigned long data = sendData+head;
bool ok = radio.write(&data,sizeof(unsigned long)); if(ok){
delay(); //延时,用于响应返回时间
radio.read(&receData,sizeof(unsigned long));//读取的数据为1时,表示正常
} } // Loop





#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <RF24/RF24.h> using namespace std;
// Hardware configuration
// Configure the appropriate pins for your connections /****************** Raspberry Pi ***********************/ // Radio CE Pin, CSN Pin, SPI Speed // Setup for GPIO 22 CE and CE0 CSN with SPI Speed @ 4Mhz
//RF24 radio(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_22, BCM2835_SPI_CS0, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_4MHZ); // NEW: Setup for RPi B+
//RF24 radio(RPI_BPLUS_GPIO_J8_15,RPI_BPLUS_GPIO_J8_24, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_8MHZ); // Setup for GPIO 15 CE and CE0 CSN with SPI Speed @ 8Mhz
//RF24 radio(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_15, RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_24, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_8MHZ); // RPi generic:
RF24 radio(,); /*** RPi Alternate ***/
//Note: Specify SPI BUS 0 or 1 instead of CS pin number.
// See http://tmrh20.github.io/RF24/RPi.html for more information on usage //RPi Alternate, with MRAA
//RF24 radio(15,0); //RPi Alternate, with SPIDEV - Note: Edit RF24/arch/BBB/spi.cpp and set 'this->device = "/dev/spidev0.0";;' or as listed in /dev
//RF24 radio(22,0); /****************** Linux (BBB,x86,etc) ***********************/ // Setup for ARM(Linux) devices like BBB using spidev (default is "/dev/spidev1.0" )
//RF24 radio(115,0); //BBB Alternate, with mraa
// CE pin = (Header P9, Pin 13) = 59 = 13 + 46
//Note: Specify SPI BUS 0 or 1 instead of CS pin number.
//RF24 radio(59,0); /********** User Config *********/
// Assign a unique identifier for this node, 0 or 1
bool radioNumber = ; /********************************/ // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate.
const uint64_t pipes = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; unsigned long receData;
unsigned long respData=0x01;
unsigned long head=0x00000000;
int main(int argc, char** argv){ cout << "RF24/examples/GettingStarted/\n"; // Setup and configure rf radio
// optionally, increase the delay between retries & # of retries
// Dump the configuration of the rf unit for debugging
radio.printDetails(); radio.openReadingPipe(,pipes);
// This simple sketch opens two pipes for these two nodes to communicate
// back and forth. radio.startListening(); cout << "Listening .... \n";
// forever loop
while ()
// Pong back role. Receive each packet, dump it out, and send it back
// // if there is data ready
if ( radio.available() )
{ // Fetch the payload, and see if this was the last one.
radio.read( &receData, sizeof(unsigned long) );
unsigned long data = respData+head;
radio.write( &data, sizeof(unsigned long) ); // Now, resume listening so we catch the next packets.
radio.startListening(); // Spew it
printf("Got payload(%d) %lu...\n",sizeof(unsigned long), receData); delay(); //Delay after payload responded to, minimize RPi CPU time } } // forever loop return ;





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