Lesson 3: The Amazing New Mobile Web

Article 1: This is Responsive by Brad Frost


Article 2: Common Mobile Problems

作者做了个问卷调查,调查设计师们在响应式网站设计(RWD,Responsive Website Design)过程中遇到的问题。

The lack of a static design phase

  • 与以前设计静态效果图(static screenshots)不同,响应式设计中设计师更加依赖 quick sketches, wireframing and making rapid HTML and CSS prototypes by 'designing' in the browser.
  • 尽早地用HTML 设计在浏览器里看效果,然后创建资源(而不是整个布局)。
  • Dan Mall's case study on the redesign of Crayola.com
  • Stephen Hay's responsive design workflow slides
    • 移动设计工作流

      1. Information Architecture
      2. Interaction Design(wireframe)
      3. Design(设计不是装饰,装饰也不是设计)
    • 响应式设计工作流
      1. Content Inventory – establish and describe the content. This gives you your raw materials
      2. Content reference wireframes – establish rough responsive wireframes in HTML. Allows for really fast iterations.
      3. Design in text (structured content) – establishes content hierarchy and structure. Easily revisable.
      4. Linear Design – Test out the plain jane structured content in HTML in the browser.
      5. Breakpoint graph – display visually where the breakpoints happen
      6. Design for various breakpoints – Start with the small screen first, then expand until it looks like shit. TIME FOR A BREAKPOINT!
      7. HTML design prototype – If w’ere not delivering designs in PS, what do we deliver? Clients wants PS because they’re used to it. Create HTML CSS, and maybe a bit of JS
      8. Present prototype screenshots – It’s part of a presentation psychology – Presenting static “impressions” of the design across the different breakpoints allows you to stay ahead of your client.
      9. Present prototype after revisions – Once revisions have been made, you can show the design in action
      10. Document for production – Deliver a style guide along with the production code.
  • responsiveprocess.com
    1. Discovery
    2. Design
    3. Development
    4. Deployment



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