

using namespace std; const int MAXN = ;
const int oo = 1e9+;
const double EPS = 1e-; int Sign(double t)
if(t > EPS)
return ;
if(fabs(t) < EPS)
return ;
return -;
} struct Point
double x, y;
Point(double x=, double y=):x(x),y(y){}
Point operator - (const Point &t)const{
return Point(x-t.x, y-t.y);
double operator ^(const Point &t)const{
return x*t.y - y*t.x;
} }p[MAXN], in[MAXN];
struct Segment
{///ax + by = c
Point S, E;
double a, b, c;
Segment(Point S=, Point E=):S(S), E(E){
a = S.y - E.y;
b = E.x - S.x;
c = E.x*S.y - S.x*E.y;
Point crossNode(const Segment &t)const{
Point res; res.x = (c*t.b-t.c*b) / (a*t.b-t.a*b);
res.y = (c*t.a-t.c*a) / (b*t.a-t.b*a); return res;
int Mul(const Point &t)
return Sign((E-S)^(t-S));
int CutPoly(Segment L, int N)
Point tmp[MAXN];
int cnt = ; for(int i=; i<=N; i++)
if(L.Mul(in[i]) <= )
tmp[++cnt] = in[i];
if(L.Mul(in[i-]) < )///求出交点
tmp[++cnt] = L.crossNode(Segment(in[i-],in[i]));
if(L.Mul(in[i+]) < )
tmp[++cnt] = L.crossNode(Segment(in[i],in[i+]));
} for(int i=; i<=cnt; i++)
in[i] = tmp[i];
in[] = in[cnt], in[cnt+] = in[]; return cnt;
} int main()
int N; while(scanf("%d", &N) != EOF && N)
int M; for(int i=N; i>=; i--)
scanf("%lf%lf", &p[i].x, &p[i].y);
in[i] = p[i];
in[] = p[] = p[N];
in[N+] = p[N+] = p[];
M = N; for(int i=; i<=N; i++)
M = CutPoly(Segment(p[i],p[i+]), M); if(M > )
} return ;

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