/* graph.h */
/* Vladimir Kolmogorov (, 2001. */ /*
This software library is a modification of the maxflow algorithm
described in An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms
for Energy Minimization in Computer Vision.
Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
In Third International Workshop on Energy Minimization
Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, September 2001 This algorithm was originally developed at Siemens.
The main modification is that two trees are used for finding
augmenting paths - one grows from the source and the other
from the sink. (The original algorithm used only the former one).
Details will be described in my PhD thesis. This implementation uses an adjacency list graph representation.邻接链表
Memory allocation:
Nodes: 22 bytes + one field to hold a residual capacity
of t-links (by default it is 'short' - 2 bytes)
Arcs: 12 bytes + one field to hold a residual capacity 剩余容量
(by default it is 'short' - 2 bytes)
(Note that arcs are always added in pairs (弧都是成对的添加)- in forward and reverse directions) Example usage (computes a maxflow on the following graph): SOURCE
/ \
1/ \2
/ 3 \
node0 -----> node1
| <----- |
| 4 |
\ /
5\ /6
\ /
SINK /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h>
#include "graph.h" void test_maxflow()
Graph::node_id nodes[2];
Graph *g = new Graph(); nodes[0] = g -> add_node();
nodes[1] = g -> add_node();
g -> set_tweights(nodes[0], 1, 5);
g -> set_tweights(nodes[1], 2, 6);
g -> add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], 3, 4); Graph::flowtype flow = g -> maxflow(); printf("Flow = %d\n", flow);
printf("Minimum cut:\n");
if (g->what_segment(nodes[0]) == Graph::SOURCE)
printf("node0 is in the SOURCE set\n");
printf("node0 is in the SINK set\n");
if (g->what_segment(nodes[1]) == Graph::SOURCE)
printf("node1 is in the SOURCE set\n");
printf("node1 is in the SINK set\n"); delete g;
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
void test_maxflow()
Graph::node_id nodes[2];
Graph *g = new Graph(); nodes[0] = g -> add_node();
nodes[1] = g -> add_node();
g -> set_tweights(nodes[0], 3, 3);
g -> set_tweights(nodes[1], 3, 1);
g -> add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], 1, 0); Graph::flowtype flow = g -> maxflow(); printf("Flow = %d\n", flow);
printf("Minimum cut:\n");
if (g->what_segment(nodes[0]) == Graph::SOURCE)
printf("node0 is in the SOURCE set\n");
printf("node0 is in the SINK set\n");
if (g->what_segment(nodes[1]) == Graph::SOURCE)
printf("node1 is in the SOURCE set\n");
printf("node1 is in the SINK set\n"); delete g;
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