

步骤二:打开****.xcdatamodeld文件,点击Add Entity,添加一个实体类,可以自己重定义类名,然后在类中添加属性,如图:


    lazy var applicationDocumentsDirectory: URL = {
        // The directory the application uses to store the Core Data store file. This code uses a directory named "me.appkitchen.cd" in the application's documents Application Support directory.
        let urls = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
        return urls[urls.count-1]
    lazy var managedObjectModel: NSManagedObjectModel = {
        // The managed object model for the application. This property is not optional. It is a fatal error for the application not to be able to find and load its model.
        let modelURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "SwiftCoreDataDemo", withExtension: "momd")!
        return NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOf: modelURL)!
    lazy var persistentStoreCoordinator: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator = {
        // The persistent store coordinator for the application. This implementation creates and returns a coordinator, having added the store for the application to it. This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the store to fail.
        // Create the coordinator and store
        let coordinator = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(managedObjectModel: self.managedObjectModel)
        let url = self.applicationDocumentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("OneOneEntity.sqlite")
        var failureReason = "There was an error creating or loading the application's saved data."
        do {
            try coordinator.addPersistentStore(ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType, configurationName: nil, at: url, options: nil)
        } catch {
            // Report any error we got.
            var dict = [String: AnyObject]()
            dict[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = "Failed to initialize the application's saved data" as AnyObject?
            dict[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = failureReason as AnyObject?
            dict[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] = error as NSError
            let wrappedError = NSError(domain: "YOUR_ERROR_DOMAIN", code: 9999, userInfo: dict)
            // Replace this with code to handle the error appropriately.
            // abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
            NSLog("Unresolved error \(wrappedError), \(wrappedError.userInfo)")
        return coordinator
    lazy var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext = {
        // Returns the managed object context for the application (which is already bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.) This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the context to fail.
        let coordinator = self.persistentStoreCoordinator
        var managedObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .mainQueueConcurrencyType)
        managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = coordinator
        return managedObjectContext


    func saveData(textStr:String) {
        let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
        let manageContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
        let entityOne = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "OneOneEntity", in: manageContext)
        let itemS = NSManagedObject.init(entity: entityOne!, insertInto: manageContext)
        itemS.setValue(textStr, forKey: "textStr")
        do {
            try manageContext.save()
        } catch  {
    func deleteData(aIndexPath:IndexPath) {
        let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
        let manageContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
        do {
            try manageContext.save()
            self.dataArray.remove(at: aIndexPath.row)
        } catch  {
    func updateData(aIndxPath:IndexPath,upStr:String) {
        let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
        let manageContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
        //let entityOne = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "OneOneEntity", in: manageContext)
        let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>.init(entityName: "OneOneEntity")
        do {
            let results = try manageContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
            let oneObj:NSManagedObject = results[aIndxPath.row] as! NSManagedObject
            oneObj.setValue(upStr, forKey: "textStr")
            do {
                try manageContext.save()
                do {
                    let results1 = try manageContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
                    self.dataArray = results1 as! [NSManagedObject]
                } catch  {
            } catch  {
        } catch  {
    func lookUpData() {
        let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
        let manageContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
        let fetchReq = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "OneOneEntity")
        do {
            let results = try manageContext.fetch(fetchReq)
            self.dataArray = results as! [NSManagedObject]
        } catch  {





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