URAL 6089 Nine
using namespace std;
int main()
int ansx, ansy;
int mm, ss, i, j;
while (~scanf("%d:%d", &mm, &ss))
if (mm == && ss == ) break;
int t = mm * + ss;
int xx, yy;
int maxn = -;
int minn = ;
for (i = ; i <= ; i++)
for (j = ; j <= ; j++)
int t9 = i * + j;
if ( * abs(t - t9) < t)
int sum = ;
xx = i, yy = j;
if (xx / == )sum++;
if (xx % == )sum++;
if (yy / == )sum++;
if (yy % == )sum++;
if (sum>maxn || (abs(t9 - t) < minn&&sum == maxn))
ansx = xx; ansy = yy;
maxn = sum;
minn = abs(t9 - t);
sum = ;
if (yy < && xx>)
yy = yy + ;
if (xx / == )sum++;
if (xx % == )sum++;
if (yy / == )sum++;
if (yy % == )sum++;
if (sum > maxn || (abs(t9 - t) < minn&&sum == maxn))
ansx = xx; ansy = yy;
maxn = sum;
minn = abs(t9 - t);
printf("%02d:%02d\n", ansx, ansy);
return ;
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