HDU 4006 The kth great number AVL解
#include <stdio.h> inline int max(int a, int b) { return a > b? a : b; }
inline int min(int a, int b) { return a < b? a : b; } struct Node
int key, h, size, repeat; //repeat for record the repeated key times
Node *left, *right;
explicit Node(int val = 0) : left(NULL), right(NULL),
key(val), repeat(1), h(1), size(1){}
}; inline int getHeight(Node *n)
if (!n) return 0;
return n->h;
} inline int getSize(Node *n)
if (!n) return 0;
return n->size;
} inline int getBalance(Node *n)
if (!n) return 0;
return getHeight(n->left) - getHeight(n->right);
} inline void pushUp(Node *n)
if (!n) return ;
n->size = getSize(n->left) + getSize(n->right) + n->repeat;
n->h = max(getHeight(n->left), getHeight(n->right)) + 1;
} inline Node *leftRotate(Node *x)
Node *y = x->right;
x->right = y->left;
y->left = x; pushUp(x);
return y;
} inline Node *rightRotate(Node *x)
Node *y = x->left;
x->left = y->right;
y->right = x; pushUp(x);
return y;
} inline Node *balanceNode(Node *n)
if (!n) return n; int balance = getBalance(n);
if (balance > 1)
if (getBalance(n->left) < 0) n->left = leftRotate(n->left);
n = rightRotate(n);
else if (balance < -1)
if (getBalance(n->right) > 0) n->right = rightRotate(n->right);
n = leftRotate(n);
return n;
} Node *insert(Node *rt, int val)
if (!rt) return new Node(val); if (rt->key == val) rt->repeat++;
else if (rt->key < val) rt->left = insert(rt->left, val);
else rt->right = insert(rt->right, val); pushUp(rt);
return balanceNode(rt);
} int selectKth(Node *rt, int k)
int lSize = getSize(rt->left);
if (k <= lSize) return selectKth(rt->left, k);
else if (lSize + rt->repeat < k)
return selectKth(rt->right, k - lSize - rt->repeat);
return rt->key; // lSize < k <= lSize+rt->repeat
} void deleteTree(Node *rt)
if (rt)
if (rt->left) deleteTree(rt->left);
if (rt->right) deleteTree(rt->right);
delete rt; rt = NULL;
} int main()
int n, k, val;
char c;
while (scanf("%d %d", &n, &k) != EOF)
Node *tree = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
getchar();// get rid of '\n'
c = getchar();
if ('I' == c)
scanf("%d", &val);
tree = insert(tree, val);
printf("%d\n", selectKth(tree, k));
return 0;
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