[Unity Shader] 3D模型的简单属性
下面是用于计算在一个物体表面上的每个点的颜色,以提供所有的值之间的关系的一个粗略的公式的一个极端的简化。这些都不是实际使用的方程式。 distance_to_object是在光源和物体与角之间的距离是在表面与光源之间的角度:
diffuse = object_diffuse * light_diffuse / (distance_to_object * angle);
ambient = object_ambient * light_ambient;
emissive = object_emissive;
specular = object_specular * light_specular;
final_color =(diffuse + ambient +emissive)* object_texture+specular;
color | This is both the diffuse and ambient color of your object. It is merely a convenient way of setting both at the same time. See diffuse and ambient below for more detail. |
diffuse | This is the diffuse float_color value for a material on your object. This parameter can be set to 3 floats (red, green, blue) or 3 floats and an integer (red, green, blue, material_index). Objects can have multiple materials, one for each part of the object (cubes have six materials, one for each face). If you don't specify a material_index, you will be setting the color for all materials in the object. You can set an entire cube to blue by setting its color to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0). Color component values (red, green and blue) should be between 0.0 and 1.0, though using values greater than 1 can make the object brighter in darkly lit scenes. When calculating the color and shading of an object, we take each light source within range and cumulatively multiply their diffuse and ambient colors by the diffuse and ambient colors of the object respectively. The diffuse light is adjusted for attenuation (distance to light) and the angle between the surface and the light (on a per vertex basis using vertex normals) while ambient light is NOT adjusted for distance or angle. Emissive is then added to the diffuse and ambient values. If there is a texture, it will be adjusted by the sum of the lit diffuse, ambient and emissive values. So setting diffuse and ambient or emissive color values to (1, 0, 0) will eliminate all greens and blues from the displayed texture. Then the calculated lit specular value is added to produce the final shading for the D3D Picture Part. Black is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). White is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0). |
ambient | This is the ambient float_color value for a material on your object. This parameter can be set to 3 floats (red, green, blue) or 3 floats and an integer (red, green, blue, material_index). Color component values (red, green and blue) should be between 0.0 and 1.0, though using values greater than 1 can make the object brighter in darkly lit scenes. When calculating the color and shading of an object, we take each light source within range and cumulatively multiply their diffuse and ambient colors by the diffuse and ambient colors of the object respectively. The diffuse light is adjusted for attenuation (distance to light) and the angle between the surface and the light (on a per vertex basis using vertex normals) while ambient light is NOT adjusted for distance or angle. Emissive is then added to the diffuse and ambient values. If there is a texture, it will be adjusted by the sum of the lit diffuse, ambient and emissive values. So setting diffuse and ambient or emissive color values to (1, 0, 0) will eliminate all greens and blues from the displayed texture. Then the calculated lit specular value is added to produce the final shading for the D3D Picture Part. Black is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). White is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0). |
emissive | This is the emissive float_color value for a material on your object. Emissive color is similar to ambient color, except that it does not require that any light be in the picture. An object with an emissive color of white and no texture will appear pure white in your picture. This parameter can be set to 3 floats (red, green, blue) or 3 floats and an integer (red, green, blue, material_index). Color component values (red, green and blue) should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Black is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). White is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0). |
specular | This is the specular float_color value and power for a material on your object. Specular is made up of a float_color (red, green, blue) and a Power component. The Power component of specularity adjusts the sharpness of the highlights. A larger power value creates sharper specular highlights, making the surface appear to be quite shiny. Smaller values increase the area of the effect, creating a dull reflection that makes the surface look frosty. To make an object truly matte, set the power member to zero and the color in specular to black. Powers usually range between 0 and 100 or so. Specular highlights are affected by attenuation. Specular is independent from diffuse, ambient and emissive, and requires that the light have a non-zero specular value. The specular highlights are added to the lit diffuse, ambient and emissive values to get the final displayed color. Specular is an independent system This can be either 4 floats (red, green, blue, power) or 4 floats and 1 int (red, green, blue, power, material_index). Setting specular to anything other than black will incur a slight performance hit for each call to picture.present(). |
alpha | This is the alpha value for a material on your object. Alpha is a float which should be between 0.0(transparent) and 1.0(opaque). A value of 0.5 will be half transparent, meaning that whatever is behind this object (given that what is behind is drawn BEFORE this object) will contribute to 50% of the final color. |
transparent_color | The transparent_color color is used by the load_texture() method in sdl. It is 3 ints (red, green, blue). Any texture loaded by the load_texture() method in pcl will have this color set to transparent (an alpha of 0). When loading a mesh, the textures loaded during that process will have this transparent_color applied to them. To conserve video memory, we recommended that you create Texture objects and apply them to your D3D Picture Parts manually in order to reuse the same texture in multiple places. |
mesh_texture | Texture to apply to the object. The material_index is optional. Create a named Texture object in sdl above the D3D Picture Part definition and then apply it to objects by setting this value. |
mesh_scale | Scale modifier. Takes three floats (x, y, z). Will scale an object along three axes. A scale of anything other than (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) will incur a slight performance penalty when rendering. If you object is one of the built in D3D Picture Parts (i.e. cone, cuboid, cylinder, mesh, plane, sphere), it is better to size your object beforehand to the desired size. If you are loading an 3d object from a file using the mesh picture part, it is better to use scale_factor, which applies a one time scaling to the mesh upon loading. If you plan to frequently scale your D3D Picture Part during animation, mesh_scale and the set_scale() method would be more appropriate since the scale_mesh() method can incur a slight one time hit to performance. |
description | Description of this object. |
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