watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvbWluZ3l1ZV8xMTI4/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="">一、自己定义View

public class TagCloudView extends RelativeLayout {
RelativeLayout navigation_bar;
TextView mTextView1;
private final float TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR = .8f;
private float tspeed;
private TagCloud mTagCloud;
private float mAngleX =0;
private float mAngleY =0;
private float centerX, centerY;
private float radius;
private Context mContext;
private List<TextView> mTextView;
private List<RelativeLayout.LayoutParams> mParams;
private int shiftLeft;
float dowx = 0;
float dowy = 0;
float cutx=100;
float cuty=100;
public TagCloudView(Context mContext, int width, int height, List<Tag> tagList) {
this(mContext, width, height, tagList, 6 , 34, 1);
public TagCloudView(Context mContext, int width, int height, List<Tag> tagList,
int textSizeMin, int textSizeMax, int scrollSpeed) {
this.mContext= mContext;
tspeed = scrollSpeed;
centerX = width / 2;
centerY = height / 2;
radius = Math.min(centerX * 0.95f , centerY * 0.95f );
shiftLeft = (int)(Math.min(centerX * 0.15f , centerY * 0.15f ));
mTagCloud = new TagCloud(tagList, (int) radius , textSizeMin, textSizeMax);
float[] tempColor1 = {0.9412f,0.7686f,0.2f,1}; //rgb Alpha
//{1f,0f,0f,1} red {0.3882f,0.21568f,0.0f,1} orange
//{0.9412f,0.7686f,0.2f,1} light orange
float[] tempColor2 = {1f,0f,0f,1}; //rgb Alpha
//{0f,0f,1f,1} blue {0.1294f,0.1294f,0.1294f,1} grey
//{0.9412f,0.7686f,0.2f,1} light orange
mTagCloud.setTagColor1(tempColor1);//higher color
mTagCloud.setTagColor2(tempColor2);//lower color
mTagCloud.setRadius((int) radius);
mTextView = new ArrayList<TextView>();
mParams = new ArrayList<RelativeLayout.LayoutParams>();
Iterator<?> it=mTagCloud.iterator();
Tag tempTag;
int i=0;
while (it.hasNext()){
tempTag= (Tag) it.next();
mTextView.add(new TextView(this.mContext));
mParams.add(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
mParams.get(i).setMargins((int) (centerX -shiftLeft + tempTag.getLoc2DX()),(int) (centerY + tempTag.getLoc2DY()),0,0);
int mergedColor = Color.argb((int)(tempTag.getAlpha() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorR() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorG() * 255),(int) (tempTag.getColorB() * 255));
mTextView.get(i).setTextSize((int)(tempTag.getTextSize() * tempTag.getScale()));
/** 用来自己主动播放的*/
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override
public void run() {
}, 0,200);
Handler handler=new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
mAngleX = (cuty/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR;
mAngleY = (-cutx/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
} /**
* 触发事件
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
switch (e.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
float upx=e.getX();
float upy=e.getY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
mAngleX = (cuty/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR;
mAngleY = (-cutx/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR;
} return true;
* 改变位置
private void changPosition(){
Iterator<? > it=mTagCloud.iterator();
Tag tempTag;
while (it.hasNext()){
tempTag= (Tag) it.next();
(int) (centerX -shiftLeft + tempTag.getLoc2DX()),
(int) (centerY + tempTag.getLoc2DY()),
mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setTextSize((int)(tempTag.getTextSize() * tempTag.getScale()));
int mergedColor = Color.argb( (int) (tempTag.getAlpha() * 255),
(int) (tempTag.getColorR() * 255),
(int) (tempTag.getColorG() * 255),
(int) (tempTag.getColorB() * 255));
} }
* 点击事件
* @param url
* @return
View.OnClickListener OnTagClickListener(final String url){
return new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) { }


* 自己定义的迭代器
* @author Administrator
public class TagCloud implements Iterable<Object>{
private List<Tag> tagCloud;
private int radius;
private static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 3;
private static final int TEXT_SIZE_MAX = 30 , TEXT_SIZE_MIN= 4;
private static final float[] DEFAULT_COLOR1= { 0.886f, 0.725f, 0.188f, 1f};
private static final float[] DEFAULT_COLOR2= { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1f};
private float[] tagColor1;
private float[] tagColor2;
private int textSizeMax, textSizeMin;
private float sin_mAngleX,cos_mAngleX,sin_mAngleY,cos_mAngleY,sin_mAngleZ,cos_mAngleZ;
private float mAngleZ=0;
private float mAngleX =0;
private float mAngleY =0;
private int size=0;
private int smallest,largest;
private boolean distrEven = true; public TagCloud(){
this(new ArrayList<Tag>());
public TagCloud(List<Tag> tags){
public TagCloud(List<Tag> tags, int radius){
public TagCloud(List<Tag> tags, int radius,int textSizeMin, int textSizeMax){
this( tags, radius, DEFAULT_COLOR1, DEFAULT_COLOR2, textSizeMin, textSizeMax);
public TagCloud(List<Tag> tags, int radius,float[] tagColor1, float[] tagColor2){
this( tags, radius, tagColor1, tagColor2, TEXT_SIZE_MIN, TEXT_SIZE_MAX);
} public TagCloud(List<Tag> tags, int radius, float[] tagColor1, float[] tagColor2,
int textSizeMin, int textSizeMax){
this.radius = radius;
this.tagColor1 = tagColor1;
this.tagColor2 = tagColor2;
this.textSizeMax = textSizeMax;
this.textSizeMin = textSizeMin;
* 重写的方法
public Iterator iterator() {
return tagCloud.iterator();
* 创建
* @param distrEven
public void create(boolean distrEven){
this.distrEven =distrEven;
sineCosine( mAngleX, mAngleY, mAngleZ);
smallest = 9999;
largest = 0;
for (int i=0; i< tagCloud.size(); i++){
int j = tagCloud.get(i).getPopularity();
largest = Math.max(largest, j);
smallest = Math.min(smallest, j);
Tag tempTag;
for (int i=0; i< tagCloud.size(); i++){
tempTag = tagCloud.get(i);
int j = tempTag.getPopularity();
float percentage = ( smallest == largest ) ? 1.0f : ((float)j-smallest) / ((float)largest-smallest);
float[] tempColor = getColorFromGradient( percentage ); //(rgb Alpha)
int tempTextSize = getTextSizeGradient( percentage );
} this.size= tagCloud.size();
* create创建完,就须要update
public void update(){
if( Math.abs(mAngleX) > .1 || Math.abs(mAngleY) > .1 ){
sineCosine( mAngleX, mAngleY, mAngleZ);
* 计算每一个Tag的
* @param distrEven 是否依据字计算位置 true为是,否则字有覆盖的
private void positionAll(boolean distrEven){
double phi = 0;
double theta = 0;
int max = tagCloud.size();
for (int i=1; i<max+1; i++){
if (distrEven){
phi = Math.acos(-1.0 + (2.0*i -1.0)/max);
theta = Math.sqrt(max*Math.PI) * phi;
} else{
phi = Math.random()*(Math.PI);
theta = Math.random()*(2 * Math.PI);
} tagCloud.get(i-1).setLocX((int)( (radius * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi))));
tagCloud.get(i-1).setLocY((int)(radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi)));
tagCloud.get(i-1).setLocZ((int)(radius * Math.cos(phi)));
* 更新全部的Tag位置
private void updateAll(){
int max = tagCloud.size();
for (int j=0; j<max; j++){
float rx1 = (tagCloud.get(j).getLocX());
float ry1 = (tagCloud.get(j).getLocY()) * cos_mAngleX +
tagCloud.get(j).getLocZ() * -sin_mAngleX;
float rz1 = (tagCloud.get(j).getLocY()) * sin_mAngleX +
tagCloud.get(j).getLocZ() * cos_mAngleX;
float rx2 = rx1 * cos_mAngleY + rz1 * sin_mAngleY;
float ry2 = ry1;
float rz2 = rx1 * -sin_mAngleY + rz1 * cos_mAngleY;
float rx3 = rx2 * cos_mAngleZ + ry2 * -sin_mAngleZ;
float ry3 = rx2 * sin_mAngleZ + ry2 * cos_mAngleZ;
float rz3 = rz2;
int diameter = 2 * radius;
float per = diameter / (diameter+rz3);
tagCloud.get(j).setLoc2DX((int)(rx3 * per));
tagCloud.get(j).setLoc2DY((int)(ry3 * per));
tagCloud.get(j).setAlpha(per / 2);
* 计算字体颜色
* @param perc
* @return
private float[] getColorFromGradient(float perc){
float[] tempRGB = new float[4];
tempRGB[0] = ( perc * ( tagColor1[0] ) ) + ( (1-perc) * ( tagColor2[0] ) );
tempRGB[1] = ( perc * ( tagColor1[1] ) ) + ( (1-perc) * ( tagColor2[1] ) );
tempRGB[2] = ( perc * ( tagColor1[2] ) ) + ( (1-perc) * ( tagColor2[2] ) );
tempRGB[3] = 1;
return tempRGB;
* 计算字体的大小
* @param perc
* @return
private int getTextSizeGradient(float perc){
int size;
size = (int)( perc*textSizeMax + (1-perc)*textSizeMin );
return size;
* 计算圆形的x y z坐标
* @param mAngleX
* @param mAngleY
* @param mAngleZ
private void sineCosine(float mAngleX,float mAngleY,float mAngleZ) {
double degToRad = (Math.PI / 180);
sin_mAngleX= (float) Math.sin( mAngleX * degToRad);
cos_mAngleX= (float) Math.cos( mAngleX * degToRad);
sin_mAngleY= (float) Math.sin( mAngleY * degToRad);
cos_mAngleY= (float) Math.cos( mAngleY * degToRad);
sin_mAngleZ= (float) Math.sin( mAngleZ * degToRad);
cos_mAngleZ= (float) Math.cos( mAngleZ * degToRad);
* 下面是get set方法
* @return
public int getRadius() {
return radius;
public void setRadius(int radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public float[] getTagColor1() {
return tagColor1;
public void setTagColor1(float[] tagColor) {
this.tagColor1 = tagColor;
public float[] getTagColor2() {
return tagColor2;
public void setTagColor2(float[] tagColor2) {
this.tagColor2 = tagColor2;
} public float getRvalue(float[] color) {
if (color.length>0)
return color[0];
return 0;
public float getGvalue(float[] color) {
if (color.length>0)
return color[1];
return 0; }
public float getBvalue(float[] color) {
if (color.length>0)
return color[2];
return 0; }
public float getAlphaValue(float[] color) {
if (color.length >= 4)
return color[3];
return 0;
public float getAngleX() {
return mAngleX;
public void setAngleX(float mAngleX) {
this.mAngleX = mAngleX;
public float getAngleY() {
return mAngleY;
public void setAngleY(float mAngleY) {
this.mAngleY = mAngleY;
public int getSize() {
return size;
} }


* Comparable接口 能够自己定义排序方式
* @author Administrator
public class Tag implements Comparable<Tag>{ private String text, url;
private int popularity;
private int textSize;
private float locX, locY, locZ;
private float loc2DX, loc2DY;
private float scale;
private float colorR, colorG, colorB, alpha;
private static final int DEFAULT_POPULARITY = 1;
private int paramNo; public Tag(String text, int popularity) {
this(text, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f, popularity, "");
public Tag(String text, int popularity, String url) {
this(text, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f, popularity, url);
public Tag(String text,float locX, float locY, float locZ) {
this(text, locX, locY, locZ, 1.0f, DEFAULT_POPULARITY, "");
public Tag(String text,float locX, float locY, float locZ, float scale) {
this(text, locX, locY, locZ, scale, DEFAULT_POPULARITY, "");
public Tag(String text,float locX, float locY, float locZ, float scale, int popularity,
String url) {
this.text = text;
this.locX = locX;
this.locY = locY;
this.locZ = locZ;
this.loc2DX = 0;
this.colorR= 0.5f;
this.colorG= 0.5f;
this.colorB= 0.5f;
this.alpha = 1.0f;
this.scale = scale;
this.popularity= popularity;
this.url = url;
} @Override
public int compareTo(Tag another) {
return (int)(another.locZ - locZ);
} public float getLocX() {
return locX;
public void setLocX(float locX) {
this.locX = locX;
public float getLocY() {
return locY;
public void setLocY(float locY) {
this.locY = locY;
public float getLocZ() {
return locZ;
public void setLocZ(float locZ) {
this.locZ = locZ;
public float getScale() {
return scale;
public void setScale(float scale) {
this.scale = scale;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
public float getColorR() {
return colorR;
public void setColorR(float colorR) {
this.colorR = colorR;
public float getColorG() {
return colorG;
public void setColorG(float colorG) {
this.colorG = colorG;
public float getColorB() {
return colorB;
public void setColorB(float colorB) {
this.colorB = colorB;
public float getAlpha() {
return alpha;
public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
this.alpha = alpha;
public int getPopularity() {
return popularity;
public void setPopularity(int popularity) {
this.popularity = popularity;
} public int getTextSize() {
return textSize;
public void setTextSize(int textSize) {
this.textSize = textSize;
public float getLoc2DX() {
return loc2DX;
public void setLoc2DX(float loc2dx) {
loc2DX = loc2dx;
public float getLoc2DY() {
return loc2DY;
public void setLoc2DY(float loc2dy) {
loc2DY = loc2dy;
public int getParamNo() {
return paramNo;
public void setParamNo(int paramNo) {
this.paramNo = paramNo;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;
} }


	private TagCloudView mTagCloudView;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width = display.getWidth();
int height = display.getHeight();
List<Tag> myTagList= createTags();
mTagCloudView = new TagCloudView(this, width, height, myTagList );
mTagCloudView.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); }
private List<Tag> createTags(){
List<Tag> tempList = new ArrayList<Tag>();
tempList.add(new Tag("Google", 7, "http://www.google.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Yahoo", 3, "www.yahoo.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("CNN", 4, "www.cnn.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("MSNBC", 5, "www.msnbc.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("CNBC", 5, "www.CNBC.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Facebook", 7, "www.facebook.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Youtube", 3, "www.youtube.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("BlogSpot", 5, "www.blogspot.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Bing", 3, "www.bing.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Wikipedia", 8, "www.wikipedia.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Twitter", 5, "www.twitter.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Msn", 1, "www.msn.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Amazon", 3, "www.amazon.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Ebay", 7, "www.ebay.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("LinkedIn", 5, "www.linkedin.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Live", 7, "www.live.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Microsoft", 3, "www.microsoft.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Flicker", 1, "www.flicker.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Apple", 5, "www.apple.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Paypal", 5, "www.paypal.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Craigslist", 7, "www.craigslist.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Imdb", 2, "www.imdb.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Ask", 4, "www.ask.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Weibo", 1, "www.weibo.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Tagin!", 8, "http://scyp.idrc.ocad.ca/projects/tagin"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Shiftehfar", 8, "www.shiftehfar.org"));
tempList.add(new Tag("Soso", 5, "www.google.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("XVideos", 3, "www.xvideos.com"));
tempList.add(new Tag("BBC", 5, "www.bbc.co.uk"));
return tempList;


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