2.2 链表中倒数第k个结点


思路:快慢指针(error: 判断是否有可行解,否则返回null, while, if 后加空格)

public class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) {
this.val = val;
public class Solution {
public ListNode FindKthToTail(ListNode head, int k) {
if (head == null){
return null;
ListNode fast = head;
ListNode ans = head;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){
if (fast == null){
return null;
fast = fast.next;
while (fast != null){
fast = fast.next;
ans = ans.next;
return ans;

2.3 删除当前节点



 import java.util.*;

public class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) {
this.val = val;
public class Remove {
public boolean removeNode(ListNode pNode) {
// write code here
if (pNode == null || pNode.next == null){
return false;
//ListNode next = pNode.next;
pNode.val = pNode.next.val;
pNode.next = pNode.next.next;
return true;

2.4 链表分割(小于x的在一边。大于等于x的又在一边)

给定一个链表的头指针 ListNode* pHead,请返回重新排列后的链表的头指针。注意:分割以后保持原来的数据顺序不变。


 import java.util.*;

public class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) {
this.val = val;
public class Partition {
public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) {
// write code here
if (pHead == null){
return null;
ListNode front = new ListNode(0);
front.next = pHead;
pHead = front;
while (pHead.next != null && pHead.next.val < x){
pHead = pHead.next;
if (pHead.next != null){
ListNode greater = pHead.next;
while (greater.next != null){
if (greater.next.val < x){
ListNode temp = greater.next;
greater.next = temp.next;
temp.next = pHead.next;
pHead.next = temp;
pHead = temp;
} else {
greater = greater.next;
pHead = front.next;
front = null;
return pHead;

(2)新建两个链表small large,指向对应元素即可。时间复杂度更大。

 import java.util.*;

public class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode next = null; ListNode(int val) {
this.val = val;
public class Partition {
public ListNode partition(ListNode pHead, int x) {
// write code here
/*if (pHead == null){
return null;
ListNode front = new ListNode(0);
front.next = pHead;
pHead = front;
while (pHead.next != null && pHead.next.val < x){
pHead = pHead.next;
if (pHead.next != null){
ListNode greater = pHead.next;
while (greater.next != null){
if (greater.next.val < x){
ListNode temp = greater.next;
greater.next = temp.next;
temp.next = pHead.next;
pHead.next = temp;
pHead = temp;
} else {
greater = greater.next;
pHead = front.next;
front = null;
return pHead;*/
ListNode small = new ListNode(0);
ListNode large = new ListNode(0);
ListNode tailSmall = small;
ListNode tailLarge = large;
while (pHead != null){
if (pHead.val < x){
tailSmall.next = new ListNode(pHead.val);
tailSmall = tailSmall.next;
} else {
tailLarge.next = new ListNode(pHead.val);
tailLarge = tailLarge.next;
pHead = pHead.next;
tailSmall.next = large.next;
return small.next;

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