The second option is to configure WER to create a dump file for your specific application if it crashes. You can go this route if you don’t want live debugging and just need the dump file created on disk for later analysis. This feature is included in Windows, so there is no need to install extra software to create the dump. WER dump settings are configured via the registry as follows:

  • First create the base WER local dump registry key, if it doesn’t already exist.

    • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps
  • Then, create the application specific dump file settings key.
    • If the application to save dumps for is HelloWorldCrasher.exe, then make the following:
    • New Key: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\HelloWorldCrasher.exe
      • Registry values under this key:

        • DumpFolder: [REG_EXPAND_SZ] folder path to store dump files.
        • DumpType: [REG_DWORD] Specify a value of 2 for full dumps, or 1 for mini-dump (smaller, but not full process memory space).
        • DumpCount: [REG_DWORD] the number of dumps to save before overwriting old dump files. Default is 10.

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