

$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
脚本名字 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth
 1 $ vim param
3 #!/bin/sh
4 echo "This is the script name : $0"
5 echo "This is the first param : $1"
6 echo "This is the second param : $2"
7 echo "This is the third param : $3"
8 echo "This is the fourth param : $4"
9 echo "This is the fifth param : $5"
10 echo "This is the sixth param : $6"
11 echo "This is the seventh param : $7"
12 echo "This is the eighth param : $8"
13 echo "This is the ninth param : $9"
$ chmod u+x param
$ ./param Did You See The Full Moon
This is the script     name                       : Did
This is the first param : You
This is the second param : See
This is the third param : The
This is the fourth param : Full
This is the fifth param : Moon
This is the sixth param :
This is the seventh param :
This is the eighth param :
This is the ninth param :


 1 $ vim findfile
2 #!/bin/sh
3 # findfile
4 find / -name $1 -print #find $1 in /
6 $ chmod u+x findfile
7 $ findfile passwd
8 /etc/passwd
9 /etc/uucp/passwd
10 /usr/bin/passwd


$# 传递到脚本的参数个数
$* 以一个单字符串显示所有向脚本传递的参数
$$ 脚本运行的当前进程ID号
$! 后台运行的最后一个进程的ID号
$@ 与$#相同,但是 使用时加双引号
$- 显示shell使用的当前选项
$? 显示最后命令的退出状态
$ vim param

echo "This is the script name : $0"
echo "This is the first param : $1"
echo "This is the second param : $2"
echo "This is the third param : $3"
echo "This is the fourth param : $4"
echo "This is the fifth param : $5"
echo "This is the sixth param : $6"
echo "This is the seventh param : $7"
echo "This is the eighth param : $8"
echo "This is the ninth param : $9"
echo "The number of arguments passed : $#"
echo "show all arguments : $*"
echo "did my script go with any errors : $?"
$ chmod u+x param
$ ./param Did You See The Full Moon
This is the script name : Did
This is the first param : You
This is the second param : See
This is the third param : The
This is the fourth param : Full
This is the fifth param : Moon
This is the sixth param :
This is the seventh param :
This is the eighth param :
This is the ninth param
The number of arguments passed : 6
show all arguments : Did You See The Full Moon
did my script go with any errors : 0


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