free food icons

food icons

Chinese foods

geo location

define(["mars-webloc.umd.min.js"], function(a) {
function b(b, c) {
if (!a)
return void (c && c({
code: 1,
message: "失败"
var d = {
project: "webloc",
city: !0,
key: "459fa549de39b5b9dddd147d0b240115"
a.getCurrentPosition(d, function(a, d) {
if (a)
return console.log("err====>", a),
void (c && c({
code: 1,
messag: "失败"
console.log("aha", d, d.geo.latitude, d.geo.longitude);
var e = {
coords: {
latitude: d.geo.latitude,
longitude: d.geo.longitude
b && b(e)
return {
getLocation: b

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美食 app

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