如果就这么按照定义来用最简朴的c++程序写 就像这样:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MIN 32768 //随机数产生的范围
#define MAX 65536 using namespace std;
int p, q; bool judgeprime(int i) {
int j;
for (j = 2; j <= sqrt(i); j++)
if (i % j == 0)
if (j > sqrt(i))
return true;
} int gcd(int a, int b)///辗转相除法求最大公约数 最朴实的求法
{ int t = a;
while (a % b)
a = b;
b = t % b;
t = a;
return b;
int lcm(int a,int b)
return a * b / gcd(a, b);
} void get2prime()
while (1)
p = MIN + (rand() % (MAX - MIN));
q = MIN + (rand() % (MAX - MIN));
if (gcd(p * q, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1 && judgeprime(p) && judgeprime(q))
break; } }
int N;
int Lfun(int x)
int b; b = (x - 1) / N;
return b;
} int main()
{ get2prime();
N = p*q;
cout << "p:" << p << " " << "q:" << q << endl;
int lan;
lan = lcm(p - 1, q - 1);
int g = 0;
int k;
k = Lfun( int (pow(g, lan)) % (N * N));
while (1)
g = rand() % (N * N); if (gcd(k, N) == 1)
break; }
cout << "算法公钥为 " << g << " ," << N << endl; }
当时没有系统学习数论 对于乘法群 生成元 循环群的理解有差错
但是怎么去缩小时间复杂度 至今没有办法
去gayhub找了找别人的代码 这没办法 我真 不知道有NTL这玩意 这个只能自己多敲代码多实践才能发现
原来 c++还有一种便携结构和算法库 叫做NTL
所以对于应用密码学来说 还挺有用的!
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h> #include "paillier.h" using namespace std;
using namespace NTL; ZZ lcm(ZZ x, ZZ y){
ZZ ans = (x * y) / NTL::GCD(x,y);
return ans;
} int main()
{ ZZ p = ZZ(43);
ZZ q = ZZ(41);
ZZ lambda = lcm(p - 1, q - 1);
Paillier paillier(p*q, lambda); ZZ m = ZZ(10);
ZZ n = p * q; cout << "p = " << p << endl;
cout << "q = " << q << endl;
cout << "n = " << n << endl;
cout << "lamdba = " << lambda << endl; ZZ c = paillier.encrypt(m, (ZZ)131 );
cout << "c = " << c << endl;
ZZ m2 = paillier.decrypt(c);
cout << "m2 = " << m2 << endl; if (m == m2){
cout << "m = m2, encryption and decryption successful" << endl;
} return 0;
#include "paillier.h" NTL::ZZ generateCoprimeNumber(const NTL::ZZ& n) {
NTL::ZZ ret;
while (true) {
ret = RandomBnd(n);
if (NTL::GCD(ret, n) == 1) { return ret; }
} Paillier::Paillier() {
/* Length in bits. */
long keyLength = 512;
NTL::ZZ p, q;
GenPrimePair(p, q, keyLength);
modulus = p * q;
generator = modulus + 1;
NTL::ZZ phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);
// LCM(p, q) = p * q / GCD(p, q);
lambda = phi / NTL::GCD(p - 1, q - 1);
lambdaInverse = NTL::InvMod(lambda, modulus);
} Paillier::Paillier(const NTL::ZZ& modulus, const NTL::ZZ& lambda) {
this->modulus = modulus;
generator = this->modulus + 1;
this->lambda = lambda;
lambdaInverse = NTL::InvMod(this->lambda, this->modulus);
} void Paillier::GenPrimePair(NTL::ZZ& p, NTL::ZZ& q,
long keyLength) {
while (true) {
long err = 80;
p = NTL::GenPrime_ZZ(keyLength/2, err);
NTL::ZZ q = NTL::GenPrime_ZZ(keyLength/2, err);
while (p != q) {
q = NTL::GenPrime_ZZ(keyLength/2, err);
NTL::ZZ n = p * q;
NTL::ZZ phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);
if (NTL::GCD(n, phi) == 1) return;
} NTL::ZZ Paillier::encrypt(const NTL::ZZ& message) {
NTL::ZZ random = generateCoprimeNumber(modulus);
NTL::ZZ ciphertext =
NTL::PowerMod(generator, message, modulus * modulus) *
NTL::PowerMod(random, modulus, modulus * modulus);
return ciphertext % (modulus * modulus);
} NTL::ZZ Paillier::encrypt(const NTL::ZZ& message, const NTL::ZZ& random) {
NTL::ZZ ciphertext =
NTL::PowerMod(generator, message, modulus * modulus) *
NTL::PowerMod(random, modulus, modulus * modulus);
return ciphertext % (modulus * modulus);
} NTL::ZZ Paillier::decrypt(const NTL::ZZ& ciphertext) {
/* NOTE: NTL::PowerMod will fail if the first input is too large
* (which I assume means larger than modulus).
NTL::ZZ deMasked = NTL::PowerMod(
ciphertext, lambda, modulus * modulus);
NTL::ZZ power = L_function(deMasked);
return (power * lambdaInverse) % modulus;
#include <NTL/ZZ.h>
#include <NTL/ZZ_pXFactoring.h> class Paillier {
/* Completely generate everything, from scratch */
Paillier(const NTL::ZZ& modulus, const NTL::ZZ& lambda);
//Paillier(path to public key, path to private key). /* Paillier encryption function. Takes in a message from the
* integers modulo n (Paillier.modulus) and returns a message in
* the integers modulo n**2.
* Parameters
* ==========
* NTL::ZZ message : The message to encrypt, as a number.
* Returns
* =======
* NTL:ZZ ciphertext : The encyrpted message.
NTL::ZZ encrypt(const NTL::ZZ& message); /* Paillier encryption function with provided randomness, if user
* wants to provide their own randomness.
* Random number should be coprime to modulus.
* Parameters
* ==========
* NTL::ZZ message : The message to encrypt, as a number.
* NTL::ZZ random : The random mask.
* Returns
* =======
* NTL:ZZ ciphertext : The encyrpted message.
NTL::ZZ encrypt(const NTL::ZZ& message, const NTL::ZZ& random); /* Paillier decryption function. Takes in a cipertext from Z mod
* n**2 and returns a message in the Z mod n.
* Parameters
* ==========
* NTL::ZZ cipertext : The encrypted message.
* Returns
* =======
* NTL::ZZ message : The original message.
NTL::ZZ decrypt(const NTL::ZZ& ciphertext); private:
/* modulus = pq, where p and q are primes */
NTL::ZZ modulus;
NTL::ZZ generator;
NTL::ZZ lambda;
NTL::ZZ lambdaInverse; /* The L function in the paillier cryptosystem. See
* <> for more
* details.
* Parameters
* ==========
* NTL::ZZ x : The argument to L.
* NTL::ZZ n : The paillier modulus.
* Returns
* =======
* NTL::ZZ result : (x - 1) / n
NTL::ZZ L_function(const NTL::ZZ& n) { return (n - 1) / modulus; } void GenPrimePair(NTL::ZZ& p, NTL::ZZ& q, long keyLength);
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