# def test(x):
# '''
# 2*x+1
# :param x:整形数字
# :return: 返回计算结果
# '''
# y=2*x+1
# return y
# def test():
# '''
# 2*x+1
# :param x:整形数字
# :return: 返回计算结果
# '''
# x=3
# y=2*x+1
# return y
# a=test()
# print(a)


# def test01():
# msg = 'test01'
# print(msg)
# def test02():
# msg = 'test02'
# print(msg)
# return msg
# def test03():
# msg = 'test03'
# print(msg)
# return 1,2,3,4,'a',['alex'],{'name':'alex'},None
# def test04():
# msg = 'test03'
# print(msg)
# return {'name':'alex'}
# t1=test01()
# t2=test02()
# t3=test03()
# t4=test04()
# print(t1)
# print(t2)
# print(t3)
# print(t4)

# def calc(x,y): #x=2,y=3
# res=x**y
# return x
# return y
# res=calc(2,3)
# # print(x)
# # print(y)
# print(res)
# # a=10
# # b=10
# # calc(a,b)

# def test(x,y,z):#x=1,y=2,z=3
# print(x)
# print(y)
# print(z)

# test(1,2,3)

# test(y=1,x=3,z=4)

# test(1,y=2,3)#报错
# test(1,3,y=2)#报错
# test(1,3,z=2)
# test(1,3,z=2,y=4)#报错
# test(z=2,1,3)#报错

# def handle(x,type='mysql'):
# print(x)
# print(type)
# handle('hello')
# handle('hello',type='sqlite')
# handle('hello','sqlite')

# def install(func1=False,func2=True,func3=True):
# pass

#参数组:**字典 *列表
def test(x,*args):

# test(1)
# test(1,2,3,4,5)
# test(1,{'name':'alex'})
# test(1,['x','y','z'])
# test(1,*['x','y','z'])
# test(1,*('x','y','z'))

# def test(x,**kwargs):
# print(x)
# print(kwargs)
# test(1,y=2,z=3)
# test(1,1,2,2,2,2,2,y=2,z=3)
# test(1,y=2,z=3,z=3)#会报错 :一个参数不能传两个值

def test(x,*args,**kwargs):
# test(1,1,2,1,1,11,1,x=1,y=2,z=3) #报错
# test(1,1,2,1,1,11,1,y=2,z=3)

# test(1,*[1,2,3],**{'y':1})


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