class Solution(object):
def maxEqualFreq(self, A):
count = collections.Counter()
freqs = collections.Counter()
ans = 1
for i, x in enumerate(A):
count[x] += 1
c = count[x]
freqs[c] += 1
if c-1 > 0: freqs[c-1] -= 1
if freqs[c-1] == 0:
del freqs[c-1]
L = len(freqs)
#print freqs
if L <= 2:
if L <= 1:
k, = freqs.keys()
fk = freqs[k]
#print '.', i+1, ';', k, freqs[k]
if k == 1 or fk == 1:
ans = i + 1
a, b = freqs.keys()
fa, fb = freqs[a], freqs[b]
# remove a
#print i+1,a,fa,';',b,fb
if fa-1 == 0 and a-1 == b:
ans = i + 1
if fb-1 == 0 and b-1 == a:
ans = i + 1
if a == 1 and fa == 1 or b == 1 and fb == 1:
ans = i + 1
return ans
from collections import Counter
class Solution(object):
def maxEqualFreq(self, nums):
cnt = Counter(nums)
l = len(cnt)
s = n = len(nums)
if n==1:
return 1
for i in range(n-1,0,-1):
if (s-1) % l == 0:
k = (s-1)//l
if all(x==k or x==k+1 for x in cnt.values()):
return i+1
if l!=1 and (s-1) % (l-1) == 0:
k = (s-1)//(l-1)
if all(x==k or x==1 for x in cnt.values()):
return i+1
num = nums[i]
if cnt[num]==0:
del cnt[num]
return 1
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