基于SILVACO ATLAS的a-IGZO薄膜晶体管二维器件仿真(01)
1.《半导体工艺和器件仿真软件Silvaco TCAD实用教程》 唐龙谷 2014
2.《长安大学 半导体工艺与器件仿真指导书》 张林 2015
tftex10.in : Amorphous IGZO TFT Simulation:
# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2019
# This example demonstrates simulation of amorphous IGZO (indium galium
# zinc oxide) TFT. Here we reproduce the results from:
# Fung, T., Chuang, C., Chen, C., Katsumi, A., Cottle, R., Townsend, M.,
# Kumomi, H., and Kanicki, J., "Two-dimensional numerical simulation of
# radio frequency sputter amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors",
# J. Appl. Phys., V. 106, pp. 084511-1 through 084511-10.
# Comparisons with experiment are included.
# This first part of the input deck simulates Id-Vg.
go atlas mesh width=180 outf=tftex10_1.str master.out x.m l=0 s=0.25
x.m l=40 s=0.25
y.m l=0 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.02 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.12 s=0.005
# The device is composed of a 20 nm layer of IGZO deposited
# 100 nm oxide on a n++ substrate that acts as the gate.
region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.02
region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.02 y.max=0.12
elec num=1 name=gate bottom
elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5.0
elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=35.0 x.max=40.0
# We define the gate as N.POLY. This pins the gate workfunction
# to the conduction band edge of silicon.
contact num=1 n.poly
# We also define a workfunction for the source and drain that
# is very close to the conduction edge. In the reference the
# authors observed that without a workfunction the results for
# ohmic boundaries were not significantly different than the
# Schottky model.
contact num=2 workf=4.33
contact num=3 workf=4.33
models fermi
# Key to the characterization of amorphous materials is the
# definition of the states within the band gap.
defects nta=1.55e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.013 wtd=0.12 \
nga=0.0 ngd=6.5e16 egd=2.9 wgd=0.1 \
sigtae=1e-15 sigtah=1e-15 sigtde=1e-15 sigtdh=1e-15 \
siggae=1e-15 siggah=1e-15 siggde=1e-15 siggdh=1e-15 \
dfile=tftex10_don.dat afile=tftex10_acc.dat numa=128 numd=64
# From here we simply extract the Id-Vg characteristic
solve init
solve prev
solve vdrain=0.1
save outf=tftex10_0.str
log outf=tftex10_1a.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=-0.1 vfinal=-5 name=gate log off
load inf=tftex10_0.str master
solve prev
log outf=tftex10_1b.log
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=20.0 name=gate
# And we compare the simulation with experimental data reported in
# the reference.
tonyplot -overlay tftex10_1a.log tftex10_1b.log tftex10_1.dat -set tftex10_1.set
#tonyplot 的 overlay与set命令 ???
tonyplot -overlay tftex10_don.dat -set tftex10_don.set
tonyplot -overlay tftex10_acc.dat -set tftex10_acc.set
#绘制受主态密度分布曲线 go atlas
# In the next part of the input deck we extract the Id-Vd family of
# curves. The structure definition is exactly the same.
mesh width=180 x.m l=0 s=0.25
x.m l=40 s=0.25
y.m l=0 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.02 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.12 s=0.005 region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.02
region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.02 y.max=0.12 elec num=1 name=gate bottom
elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5.0
elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=35.0 x.max=40.0 contact num=1 n.poly
contact num=2 workf=4.33
contact num=3 workf=4.33 models fermi defects nta=1.55e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.013 wtd=0.12 \
nga=0.0 ngd=6.5e16 egd=2.9 wgd=0.1 \
sigtae=1e-15 sigtah=1e-15 sigtde=1e-15 sigtdh=1e-15 \
siggae=1e-15 siggah=1e-15 siggde=1e-15 siggdh=1e-15 \
dfile=don afile=acc numa=128 numd=64
# Here we calculate the start structures for each of the IdVd
# family by performing an initial gate ramp.
solve solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=4.0 name=gate save outf=tftex10_2.str
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=8.0 name=gate save outf=tftex10_3.str
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=12.0 name=gate save outf=tftex10_4.str
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=16.0 name=gate save outf=tftex10_5.str
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=20.0 name=gate save outf=tftex10_6.str load inf=tftex10_2.str master log outf=tftex10_2.log
solve vdrain=0.0 vstep=0.5 vfinal=20.0 name=drain load inf=tftex10_3.str master log outf=tftex10_3.log
solve vdrain=0.0 vstep=0.5 vfinal=20.0 name=drain load inf=tftex10_4.str master log outf=tftex10_4.log
solve vdrain=0.0 vstep=0.5 vfinal=20.0 name=drain load inf=tftex10_5.str master log outf=tftex10_5.log
solve vdrain=0.0 vstep=0.5 vfinal=20.0 name=drain load inf=tftex10_6.str master log outf=tftex10_6.log
solve vdrain=0.0 vstep=0.5 vfinal=20.0 name=drain tonyplot -overlay tftex10_2.log tftex10_2.dat tftex10_3.log tftex10_3.dat tftex10_4.log tftex10_4.dat tftex10_5.log tftex10_5.dat tftex10_6.log tftex10_6.dat -set tftex10_2.set quit
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