find . -perm 

        Search for files which have read and write permission for their owner, and group, but which other users  can  read  but  not  write  to.
Files which meet these criteria but have other permissions bits set (for example if someone can execute the file) will not be matched. find . -perm - Search for files which have read and write permission for their owner and group, and which other users can read, without regard to the
presence of any extra permission bits (for example the executable bit). This will match a file which has mode , for example. find . -perm / Search for files which are writable by somebody (their owner, or their group, or anybody else). find . -perm /
find . -perm /u+w,g+w
find . -perm /u=w,g=w All three of these commands do the same thing, but the first one uses the octal representation of the file mode, and the other two use
the symbolic form. These commands all search for files which are writable by either their owner or their group. The files don't have
to be writable by both the owner and group to be matched; either will do. find . -perm -
find . -perm -g+w,u+w Both these commands do the same thing; search for files which are writable by both their owner and their group. find . -perm - -perm / ! -perm /
find . -perm -a+r -perm /a+w ! -perm /a+x These two commands both search for files that are readable for everybody ( -perm - or -perm -a+r), have at least one write bit set (
-perm / or -perm /a+w) but are not executable for anybody ( ! -perm / and ! -perm /a+x respectively).

Man's examples:

f@z ~/testdir/test $ ls -lha
total 24K
drwxr-xr-x f f .0K Aug : .
drwxr-xr-x f f .0K Aug : ..
-rw------x f f Jul : a.file
-rwxr-xr-x f f Aug : b.file
-rw-r----x f f Aug : c.file
---x--x--x f f Aug : d.file
f@z ~/testdir/test $ find -perm 210
f@z ~/testdir/test $ find -perm -
f@z ~/testdir/test $ find -perm /
f@z ~/testdir/test $ find ! -perm / 
f@z ~/testdir/test $ find ! -perm -

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